don't you forget about me pt.1

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A/n: just the old good 'i forgot about us' trop.

Tell me if you want a part two:)



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You hated peter.
And he hated you.

Well, used to.

If you tell your younger self that when you'll turn 17 you'll be in an one year relationship with peter parker you would probably punch yourself.

But here you are, sitting in Peter's apartment, eating burned breakfast while wearing his clothes, talking to his aunt.

"...and he's so dramatic!" May complained and you nodded in agreement.

"He's such a drama queen... one time, he got stung by a bee and he yelled so loud that my dad came to check if we're dead" you laughed shaking your head at the memory of peter.

"May stop embarrassing me, and y/n, stop helping her!!" Peter whined as he stepped out of his room.

His hair was messy and wet from the shower he took just a second ago,
He wore a big iron man t-shirt with some black shorts that got just above hi knees. He smelled like his deodorant, the same kind he use since he's 12.
Peter looked like home.

He walked over to you two, wrapping his hands around your waist, his thumbs rubbing slightly on your stomach as he rested his chin on your shoulder. He kissed under your ear before grinning at his aunt.

May quickly understood his sign and cleared her throat "well, I should head back to the hospital, lunch time is over. No funny business!!" She sang as she walked out of the small apartment.

Peter was quick to flip you in his hands, facing you now.

Your hands moved up to the back of his neck, brushing your fingers through Peter's soft wet hair.

"Would you ever stop talking behind my back with my aunt?"

You smirked at his pleading and puppy eyes.
The same you hated so so much just one year ago,
The same you fell for every day now.
"But there's so many shit i can talk about you"

Peter scoffed and pinched your waist earning a small squik from you when you jumped "i really don't understand why i love you sometimes" he joked in a whisper, leaning closer that now his nose brush yours.

"Well you did called me an emotionless scary bitch last year" you teased.
You knew peter was sorry. You knew he doesn't think that anymore.
And you you said things too.

You saw a flash of pain and regret in Peter's eyes, making you feel a but guilty for bringing it up again, even if it's just for teasing.
Peter squeezed your waist lightly and pulled you even closer to him.

You pressed your lips to his, trying to erase what you said and bring back the happy feeling that was just a second ago.
Peter moved his lips against your before pulling back and giving you a last peck on the lips "I know you're sorry. And I forgive you. So give a little rest to that mind of yours" you promised.

"Well you were a bitch" he started.

You gasped dramatically pulling away from him to see his playful smirk.

"And you basically have zero emotions" he kept going, no getting a slap on his hand from you.
"And you're still scary sometimes"


Peter tried to hold his laugh before he giggled like a child and turned away to run away from you.
You reacted quickly, chasing after him.
Peter stood behind the couch, sticking his tongue at you when you send him a middle finger before jumping on him, causing to both of you drop to the floor with a loud thud.
Peter placed a hand on the back of your head just incase you'd hit it and another hand on your back.

"You deserve it, Chewbacca" you picked his chest.

"I'm kidding!! You know I love you and your scary little attitude" he leaned on his elbows when you sat straight on his lap "you know I love, snooze bug" he kissed your nose, making you scrunch it like always.

A buzz stopped your sweet moment.

"Crap" you jumped off him, standing straight and running into his room.

Peter looked at you in confusion as he stood up, trying to follow you.

You ran from his room to his bathroom to the kitchen then back to his room before coming back to the living room and sat on the couch to tie tour boots.
"What? Where you're going? I thought you can spend the day over"

You finished tying your shoes, and stood up, walking to the kitchen table to take your phone and shove it in your back pocket "I have a mission, I forgot" you apologized.
Peter hated when you went out on a mission without him. Not from a territorial reasons, but from the fact he can't protect you.
You present in the mission worrying him enough and the thought you there without him able to just swing you away from danger getting him off the hook.
You sighed when you saw his eyes.
You walked over to him placing a palm on his cheek, staring into his coffee eyes "it's a small mission. Just deleting a few stuff from hydra's basement" you promised "nat is occupied with Laura and the new baby so they need another widow" you winked at him.

Peter let out a chuckle and lifted his eyes from the floor to look at your beautiful face.

Even when he hated you, he always thought you were extraordinary beautiful.

"Okay" he whispered holding your hand that cupped his face "just stay safe, alright? And call me when your back"

You nodded kissed him one last time for the next hours "I love you Chewbacca" you mumbled against his lips.

"I love you too snooze bug"


Peter got a call from Tony he was with Ned at school.
The worst timing.

"Ned no!!" Peter squiked running over to Ned that almost dropped their project. "Here let me"

Peter gently took the small building from his best friend's hands "sorry man, I'm just existing!! We worked on this for hours!!"

Peter rolled his eyes with a smile "i know Ned, I was there"

Ned opened his mouth to say something but a ring stopped him.
Peter moved the project to one hand and took the phone out of his pockets.
"Hey Mr. Stark! Whats up? Are you already back from the mission? its weird ya know because y/n didn't call me and-"

"Kid, something's wrong I need you at the tower"

"What? Mr. Stark can't it wait? I'm at school right now and I have this project with Ned-" Peter started.
Why would Tony call him in the middle of the day? He never calls him in the middle of the day.

He never call him.

"Its the little widow. She's in the hospital"

Peter's heart fell faster than the project.

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