fast and furious

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A/n: just you and your boyfriend :)



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hey losers" you yelled when you saw your boyfriend, talking to his friend.

"Y/n! Hey!" He grinned

"So, what are the gossips for today? Ned? Got any chicks in your pockets?" You said as you put a hand over Peter's shoulder

"That's make literally no sence, y/n" ned looked at you crossings his arms on his chest.

"So do i" you turned your face to your boyfriend, smiling at his smile "so are we still up for tonight? We haven't had movie night in ages"

"Sure, if you still want to come" peter said and placed his hand on your waist.

You and peter are dating for almost a year now.
And you we're perfect to eachother.
Your sarcastic, annoying, but loving personality matched to Peter's shy, sweet, chessy one.
You went on dates, cheesy one's on the beach or in a fancy restaurant
You hang put in your room for hours, sleeping, talking, kissing...
Sharing friends, ned and MJ.
It was everything you dreamed about.
'A cooler, hotter, funnier version of Disney' like you love to say.

"Well, only if we'll watch my movies. Because i swear to god, if I'll watch star wars one more time my brain will commit suicide"

"You guys are gross" ned rolled his eyes.

"Just like an old married couple who hate everyone" MJ said from behind you.

"I don't hate anyone! Its y/n! Im nice, she's not" peter whined

You smiled and shrugged,
That was true.

"You two are jealous. Ned, go get a girlfriend. You too M!" You pocked MJ in the hand.
"I heard that gwen is staring at you in math" you wiggled your eyebrows at her, sending her a smirk.

"Yeah sure" she rolled her eyes but you could see the hope in her eyes.

The bell rang.
First class is staring in two minutes.

"Well, I'll see you losers in lunch" you said and turned to peter.
You gave him a sweet kiss on his lips making him lightly blush.
"How the hell do you have a girlfriend??" Ned complained to peter.
"How the hell does she have a boyfriend?!" He pointed at you.

You smirked and pulled MJ with you
"Couse im paying parker. Just go get your girl, leeds. Untill tomorrow i want you in a relationship" you yelled to him from the hall.

Ned looked at his best friend.
"Does she really pays you?" He checked.

"What? No!" Peter laughed and shook his head "come on, man"

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