nameless blurbed

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A very bad, rushed blurb.
I warn you



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You were on a mission.

You fought against hydra.
They came to take bucky back, and they didn't seem to give up.

"Y/n, parker, team up! Go for Barnes, we'll keep them out" you heard Tony's voice in your ear.

You looked to your right, seeing him running over to you.
He grabbed your waist as he shot a web and swinged up.

You closed your eyes and hugged him tight, afraid that you'll fall.
"Don't worry. I've got you" you heard him whisper. He probably felt you strong grip.

When you finely landed you jumped to the side avoiding a punch for a solider.

"Peter watch out!" You yelled when you heard a gon shot.
You used your powers to stop the bullet from getting into his shoulder.
Both of you released a sigh.

There's three guys here.
One for him two for you.
"Get the tall one I'll take the rest" you yelled at him, taking the gun out of his place on your thigh and shot one of the in the knees, making him groan and bend down.

"Y/n no! I'll take two! It's too dangerous for-"

"Just do it!" You yelled at him.

He shot a web an the guy's eyes and kicked him in the stomach.

One down, two left.
Peter, who still fought with the guy didn't seem to notice.

The guy, bucky z ran over to you, screaming like an animal.
He was tall, and big. But you were stronger than him, you could take him down with one shot.

You took a deep breath pointing the gun at his arm. You can't kill him.
You have to cause a distraction so you could take him down and let Tony and the other guys take him.

"You can do it. You can do it. It's one shot" you breathed out.

You closed you eyes and shot, hearing a screaming.

But then you open your eyes, expecting to see bucky and peter.
But bucky was gone. So does the bodies.
You left alone with peter in the room.

"Y/n!! You're okay? Are you hurt? Did the hit you??" Peter ran over to you checking your face.

"What happened? Where is everyone?" You looked around.

"I-i don't know... One second I was fighting them everything went black" he explained.
"We should get out of here"

You nodded.
But the walls started to move closer and closer to you.
Like they're closing on you.
"What's happening?" You ask.

You were terrified.
You had no control on the situation.

But when you looked over to peter he seem frustrated, and pale.

Within a second you and peter got squshed together.
Your stomach was against his.
Your hands was in the sides of his torso when one of his above your head.

"Crap. Um Tony? Tony, can you hear me?" You tried, but stopped when you heard Peter's breath.

His breath was fast and heavy, his hands were sweaty and he was shaking.

"Peter are you ok?" You asked moving one hand to his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat.

"i-i t-think I'm claustrophobic" he breathed out. His voice was fast and shaky.

Peter felt like he's dying.

"Shit. Um just-just try to breath. Here, look at me" you moved your hands to hold his cheeks after you move his free one to your chest.
"Here, can you feel my breath? You can hear my heartbeat, right? We're ok. We're fine. Tony is going to be here any second. Just try to calm down" You said, calmly as you can.

Peter nodded fast.

"Good. Now, try to breath with me, okay? You can do it" you said and took a deep breath.

You tried your best to help him but nothing seemed to work.

"Close your eyes and- um just think of something else. Think about May! And-and swinging through the city and this girl you told me about. Think about her hair and-and her eyes and her smile"
You tried to distract him even if it was painful.

You heard peter talking about this girl he likes for an hour last night.
Trying to shove your feelings down.

"I-i can't. I can't breath! I-" he started to freak out.

"Try to stop breathing" you suggested.
You moved your thumb on his cheekbones, trying your best to help him.

"I can't!" He snapped.

You took a deep breath yourself.
"I'm going to do something. Please don't be mad. I- Natasha told me once that it'll help" you said.

Before he got the chance to answer you, you pressed you lips to his, kissing him hard.
You felt his breath stopped and his body slowly relax.
His lips were soft and a bit salty from the sweat, but you didn't care.
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to help him and you'll do anything you can.

The hand that was one you chest slide down to you waist and pulled you closer.
Peter scrunched his eyes tight and felt his breathing getting slower.

After something that felt like hours you broke apart.

As in a sign, you heard noises and and walls the closed over you started to move back.

"Peter? Y/n? You're here?" You heard Natasha's voice.
The second the wall came back to their original place, you fell down, feeling peter doing the same.

And then everything went black.


"... Wake up..... Bucky.... Hydra..." You heard muffled words.

You slowly open your eyes looking around you.

"Y/n?" You heard a soft voice.
You looked to your left, seeing smiling peter looking at you.
He held your hand, moving his thumb gently on your bruised knuckles.
"How're you feeling?"

"Like I got shot" you joked.

Peter chuckled. "We won. Bucky is in wakanda now, something with his brain wash... I'm just happy your okay" he smiled.
"Oh, and you did got shot, in your waist"

You looked down, moving the blanket and saw a big white fabric wrapped around your lower body.

"You saved me back there, ya know?" He said, making you look back at his eyes again. "Twice, actually. The first at the room, when we... Um yeah. And then, the girl who sounds like Natasha shot me but you jumped and took the bullet instead of me, which was stupid. But then the real Natasha came and took us"

you nodded.
There was a quiet for a few minutes.
But then you broke it.

"Listen. I'm sorry that I um... Kisses you, back there. I didn't mean to do it without your permission but I didn't knew what to do and that was the only thing that popped into my head..." You looked down at your hand, the one he was holding, then back at him.

"It's okay, anyway, the girl you asked me to describe was in front of me and confessing to her like this felt awkward" he smirked at you squeezing you hand lightly.

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