one day... one day.

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A/n: third imagine is my Jess series!!



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You were always best friends.

You went to the same kindergarten,
You were as the same class in school (except in third grade, and even then, may and your mom talked to the teachers and they moved peter to your class), and almost the same schedule in high school.

You went through everything together.
When you got you first period (peter freaked out and gave you a needle so you could stich it), you shared your first kiss promising that if you won't lose your virginity until collage starting you'll give it to eachother, Peter's spider bite who got him his powers, you parents divorce who totally shaked you and almost got you depressed, Ben's accident, Peter's "Stark internship".

You were perfect for eachother.
You were loud and friendly, you were exited from little things and your room and locker always messy,
Peter was more introvert, quiet, and kept his own thoughts for himself, he didn't had a lot of friends (well, so did you but you could get along with everyone, even the ones you hate), only Ned, you and maybe MJ (he told you he kinda scared of her), he was smart and could cancel plans so he could finish his homework (which he did) he was committed to his town so he spent almost every night going out patrol no matter what, even if he promised you a movie night or helping you decide what book you like more, he could cancelled an let you down (which he did), but being the forgiving and understanding friend you were, you could forgive him within a second (which you did).

You told everything to eachother, from your first period and bra to his first boner.
You could talk hours and hours about everything and nothing.
If it's gossiping about school to you telling him he need to get 'just Incase' condoms (he got so red and you had this huge argue about his chances sleeping with girls and how good he look or how big of a nerd he is).
Only in the other day he told you he had a huge crush on a girl (you forced him to tell you and he said no but he promised that he'll tell you in the next movie night, which means next week)

You're friendship with him was almost perfect. Almost.

Even though you told everything to eachother, you didn't.
Well, he didn't.

Truth is, he's gonna lie to you when he'll tell you about his crush.
He'll say he like Liz even though he don't.

Peter was in love, he didn't lie about it,
But he can tell you he's in love with you.
Peter knew that he got fucked up being part of the most cliche trope in the world.
But he had no way out of it. He was whipped.
He wasn't sure what made him fall for you so badly,
He knew that you were the most beautiful thing alive,
Your soft hair who looked like he came out from hair commercial,
You eyes that had the deepest prettiest color in the world and how they sparkled almost all the time,
Your smile, that was the brightest, most contagious thing in the world (well, except your laugh),

But he almost sure it's not your look.
Maybe how you ran your fingers through his hair to his neck down to rub his back as comfort when he had a bad day (MJ and Ned told him it's a couple thing to do like falling asleep together and peter had to disagree even though he really hoped It's true), or how you could talk hours just about that one time when peter and you went to swing through the city or the new book you just got and listen to him blurbing for the millionth time about that one time he stole captain America's shield.
Or maybe it was the fact that you got along with May so well that there's times you come for her and not him.

Peter wasn't sure why,
But he was sure that he was in love.

He was so in love that he couldn't even think about a girl he could slightly like, a girl he could say her name as his "crush".

He was so in love, that his 'in love' actions become normal.
Like when he stared at you, you thought he just dozed out, even though he just memorized your features,
Or when you just randomly held hands,
Wether if peter was nervous, you were bored or you just felt like holding hands,
Or head kisses. One of his favorite things,
Head kisses were mostly after someone cried or had a panic attack, but there were time you just had a long hug and peter gave your head a kiss,
And the hugs...
Since when peter read that a hug who lasts more than 20 seconds activates some kind of glands and releases a feeling of security and relaxation your hugs are long and lovefull. You could spend days just hugging him. Wether it's cuddling in movie nights and falling asleep together, or after a long day you had in school, or after you patch him up when he comes bruised from patrol. Your hugs were his therapy.

Half a year ago May told him that you were soulmates. When he ask what does it mean, she explained; "when two people work so good together, matching eachother in the most perfect way, they'll be together no matter how. As a couple, as best friends or as family, even enemies". She told him it's incredible and things like that are rare. She told him that she's 100% sure that you were his soulmate, when peter asked why she said she just know "because Ben was my soulmate, and when he left, I got the ability to see other's soulmates" she said.
And peter believed, because he knew too that May and his uncle were soulmates

MJ and Ned also talked about it a lot.
They joked about how you to need to date and get married.
And you never rejected the idea.
And that made peter so happy and hopeful.
They even tried to set you up on a date, a double date. MJ set you up with harry and peter was with Liz, but you both ended up telling stories only you two know and telling private jokes that they didn't get and they both left.
Harry and Liz are together now because of that night. And they tried to set you and peter on a date, together, alone, but it didn't worked out.

The whole shipping thing got so serious that Tony stark and his wife wanted you to be together.
It all started in their wedding, where he invited peter and may. Peter asked if he could bring a friend, you. Tony happily agreed, since he knew you from Peter's stories.
Peter was busy all day helping setting the wedding up so he didn't saw how you looked. And in he minute you walked into the big room, with a huge smile, his heart stopped for a second and his knees got weak.
Pepper, with her super vision for love, saw how he looked at you and fastly went to Tony, forming a plan how to get you two to kiss.
Peter and you danced all night together, even the slow-dances, without their help.
Tony mentioned how cute you look together and asked if you're dating (even if he knew you didn't) when you first talked. You smiled brightly and say that you love peter but you're not currently dating and peter blushed.
Tony didn't stopped teasing him about it.

Deep deep inside, peter knew that one day.... One day you'll notice him in that way, and you'll have a happy ending.

You knew it too.

Even when you almost died because him being spiderman, you forgave him.
Even when you snapped at his when you were tired, he forgave you.

Even when when you had a fight, and you both said you hated the other one, and you wish you'll never see eachother,
You comforted him and asked for his forgiveness because Ben died, and he didn't stopped mumbling sorry and apologizes.

Because he knew that one day... One day you won't be here and he wanted to be with you every second of his life.

Because he knew that one day... One day all of his waiting paid off, and you'll be his.

And you knew too

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