pictures and sticky notes pt2.

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A/n: Part two!!



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It's been three days.

Three days since you killed the fake peter.
Three days since peter passed out.

You went to his room, the one in May's apartment.
You printed at least to hundred pictures.
Some of you, some of him with Ned and MJ, some of May, some of him...
You hanged the picture all over his room, filling the room with memories.
Then, you wrote sweet things on pink sticky notes, like 'i love you', 'your smile make me smile', 'you look handsome', 'you are the smartest boy', 'you can do it', 'have a great day!', 'good morning!!' and more.
You even kissed a few of them, so there's a stain of your lips, like a kiss.
You stocked the sticky notes everywhere; next to his bad, in and out his closet, on his door, in the bathroom, in his books, on his window, on the pillow...

You knew, well, hoped it'll make him happy.
You knew how much peter loved pictures and how much he needed to be appreciate.

You sprayed from your perfume on one of the sweatshirts he gave you, low key want him to remember you.


Peter just woke up.
After four days he was out, he finely woke up.

He was in a hospital bed in the avengers facility.

He groaned and opened his eyes, expecting to see you there, sleeping before remembering in what happened, and how he yelled at you.

"Oh kid!! Good morning" he heard Tony's voice.

"How long was I out?" He mumbled, sitting straight even though it's painful.

"Four days. How're you feeling?"

"I'm ok. My neck's hurt" he moved his fingers to gently touch the bandage.

"it'll pass. There's only a scar now" Tony explained.

"how's... How is y/n?" His voice was quiet.

"She's in her room. Her bruises from that jerk who touched her almost gone and-"

"Wait wait wait. Who touched her?!" Peter felt like killing someone.
Even though he was mad at you, he didn't want you to be in pain.

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