just kisses, right?

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A/n: guys i still can't believe we got to over 26,000 readers.
Its incredible!! You're incredible!!
I'm so so so thankful for you!<3



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"still can't believe you guys" Ned grumbled as he sat down in his usual spot around the table in the cafeteria.

You sat next to peter, both of you giving him a confused look.

"What? What we did this time?" Peter whined and then let a small 'hey!' When you took a bite from his sandwich.

"What, I didn't have time today to go to delmar's" you shrugged giving him an innocent smile.

Peter rolled his eyes and gave you half of his sandwich anyway.
Peter knew you don't have something else to eat until the end of the day when you'll go together to delmar's again, like every day, and it was important to him that you'll eat.
You beamed and kissed his cheek lovingly, taking the bread from his hand.

Peter felt a familiar warm feeling in his heart and face.
After so many months of feeling it, he grew to love this feeling.

"Exactly!! This is what I'm talking about!!" Ned said loudly, pointing at you and then at peter "there's something going on between you two"

You looked at peter, who looked at you too, then back at ned "uh what?"

"The sexual tension is basically slipping out of your ears" MJ said as she sat in front of you, next to Ned.

"Thank you! The amount of times I catched you two kissing or holding hands is uncountable" Ned explained.
Poor Ned and MJ had to put up with you and peter all those years.
"Its not healthy for neither of you, ya know"

Seeing you two consistently flirting, holding hands, even cuddling together started to get a bit frustrating.
Especially when you two said you're "just friends"

You rolled your eyes and left Peter's hand from under the table "oh come on. We're not kissing that much. And what the hell does it have to do with health Ned?"

That was a lie.
You and peter kissed at least once a week.
Not intentionally, of course.
It just.... sorta, happened.

If you two were cuddling (which was kinda weird for friends too, but everybody just gave up on that) and he leaned a but too closer
Or you were studying and ended up making out on his bed.
Like last night.

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