thank you for saving the day

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A/n: so yesterday was my birthday and nobody remembered except my parents and it kinda sucked so i made what i think would it be with with peter (more like hoping) :)



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irthdays was one of your favourite things.

If it was your birthday or a family member, a friend or your boyfriend's.

You just loved them.

Planning, celebrating, giving and receiving gifts...

And today, today was your day.

Your birthday finely came after a long long year.

And you couldn't stop thinking about what and if your friends planned something for you.

"Im showering last!!" Your younger sister yelled as she ran into the house.

"What?! No! I don't wanna shower now!" The other one yelled and slammed the car door before chasing after her.

"Girls don't fight. Just get into the shower" your dad sighed tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

You got out of the car, walking over do your dad's apartment, over to your room.

Today you were at your dad's.

You were pretty down because your friends didn't say anything or even talked to you this morning.
They probably forgot.

You took a deep breath and walked into your room.

A big handmade sign hanged above your bed saying "happy sweet sixteen!" And right next to it, your big teddy bear, had tied to each hand a bloon; on the right hand- 1 and on the left hand- 6.

A big smile formed and covered your face, making your heart flutter and your brain forgetting from the disappointment you felt just a second ago.

"You like it?" Your dad asked, standing next to your door frame.

You nodded and hugged him "thank you so much! I love it!"

Your dad pulled back with a smirk. "Peter helped me. Last night" he winked "he also left you something on the bed" he said.


"Ugh, im coming!!" He groaned before turning around and walking back to your messy fighting sisters.

Your dad and Peter did this for you?

Peter always thought your dad hates his guts, so the thought of him, hanging signs and balloons in your room, along with your dad made you smile even harder.

Now, about that surprise.

On your bed, you saw a box, warped on black paper and a small note.

"Happy birthday to the most gorgeous girl exist!
I hope you like your gift, i hope it's fits, because i know it's your size but i still asked your mom just to make sure.

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