where are my flowers?

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A/n: happy 'annoying-coupls-day-and-a-reminder-that-your'e-single' day!!

A/n: happy 'annoying-coupls-day-and-a-reminder-that-your'e-single' day!!•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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peter parker was a sweetheart.
Peter parker was a romantic.
Peter parker was well educated.

That's why every years, even before his uncle passed away, Peter got his aunt a bouquet of sunflowers and a box of chocolate covered strawberries.
Every years since he was 11.
And he loved it.

Every valentines day, Peter and Ned would switch cheesy love letters they jokingly wrote for eachother along with a bag of gummy worms.

Every February 14 since sophomore year, Peter and Ned would buy two black dahlias with a pack of reeses to give MJ.

Since he joined the avengers (unofficially) he gave every woman in the tower a red rose.
except Natasha who got white rosses
And Wanda who liked tulips better,
Mariah rathered lilac flowers over rosses,
And pepper who got orchids.
(And sometimes a fake pink rose for Carol if she was visiting earth)
(He could only remember a certain number of flowers so he gave the main women what they liked and the rest, classic red rosses)

Peter got flowers from his own money and gave them to basically every woman he knew.
Married, in a relationship, single, gay, doesn't matter. He bought and did the best he could to make their valentines day better.

And when the 14th came, right after school ended, he walked into the tower, carried a huge bouquet filled with flowers.

"Happy valentines day" he said with the sweetest smile every time he met a worker there. If it was the cleaning lady or a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, he gave it to them and received a big smile back, sometimes a pat on the head or a hug even a kiss in a cheek when he met Mrs patty who teared up every year.

And today, today was that day.
Peter was almost finished with his flowers round when you walked into the big living.
Tony, pepper, bucky, Natasha and Sam sat on the couch, having a small talk.

"Happy valentines, Mrs stark" he grinned softly at pepper and handed her small orchids bouquet tied in a small purple string.

"Oh peter! Thank you honey!" She sighed happily and pulled peter into a hug.

You frowned, confused at the situation.
You only moved there a year ago, which means you didn't know about Peter's habit yet.
And seeing your (now) aunt hugging him so lovingly made you look a bit surprised.
So you walked over to your uncle, sending him a look "what going on and why is peter holding a bouquet of white rosses?"

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