baga-boo and silvy pt.1

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You finely landed on the ground, straightened your suit and looking around you for any sign from him.

"Looking for someone?"

Your head shoots back, faster than a falling star as a smile curved under your mask.
Spiderman stood there, right in front of you with his hands on his hips and his head titled to the side.
Without even answering, you fly up, lifting your legs off the ground and flying away, hearing him yell your name but you just kept flying.

You wished you could just take that stupid mask off and feel the wind hit your face, the air blow your hair back, just feel truly free.
But you had enemies and enough people you put in danger without revealing yourself.

As soon as you reached the usual building, you hovered on top before gently dropping.

"Jesus, you have to stop doing that" spiderman came not longer after you, panting and leaning on his knees.

"I like keeping you on your toes" you shrugged.

Spiderman finely got his breath straight he took a step closer, holding your waist and pulling you flat against his chest "hi silvy"

"Hi baga-boo" you smiled, lifting your sliver mask just above your nose before doing the same to him, revealing his special smile, the one he only wore in specific moments.
"You wanna do it cheesy style, don't you"

He bit his lip and nodded, causing you to laugh and fly up, and back a few meters, landing back on the floor and running into his arms "oh baga-boo!!"

"Silvy!" He lifted you up wrapping one hand around your waist and with the other holding your thighs that were wrapped around his torso.

Your hands were around his neck rubbing up and down "I missed you baga-boo" you whispered leaning closer to him so your lips are almost touching.

"I missed you too silvy" he whispered back, finely pressing his lips to yours.

And like every time you kissed him, your whole body warmed up.
Sparkles, fireworks, tingles, call it whatever you like, but it was there.
You shoved your fingers under his mask, feeling his soft hair and tugging on it lightly that you knew drove him crazy. And like you expected, he squeezed your waist gently and moaned quietly into your mouth.
"I can hear your enjoying this, huh bug boy?" You mumbled against his mouth tugging again, hearing him moan again, sending vibrations through your body "you like it when I pull your hair?" You teased as you pulled back, but he just followed your lips and kissed you again "God yes" was the only thing that left his throat
He didn't really care right now about your teasing or sexual comments.
He just missed you so so bad and he wanted to kiss you.

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