rewrite the stars

550 7 2

A/n: i can't even explain how much I love this song.

And ZENDEYA is there so...

Why not?

Its a really really weird one, but I hope you'll enjoy and if not then um... sorry?



You sat on your fire escape stairs, wrapped in a sweater.
Not just a sweater.

His sweater.

You've met five months ago, when he randomly sat in the same place you're sitting right now, eating a sandwich and talking in the phone to some guy named happy,
You were so confused that day, that a stranger, who looked oddly familiar, sitting outside your room.
So, you reached a hand and pushed him.
He almost fell and hit the ground but he shot a web fast enough to stop him from actually falling.
He came to the same spot and asked you what the hell,
And you explained.

Since then you were friends,
Well, for two weeks.

After two weeks, when he brought you to the top of the building to watch the sunrise, you kissed him.

You confessed your feelings for the boy in tights, and happily, he said he felt the same.
You both didn't want to label anything, you just wanted to enjoy eachother company (and lips).

He kept asking you why would you be with him, when you don't know who he is and what he looked like;

"Hey" he asked, stopping rubbing your back for a second.
You hummed in respond, not really want to move from his chest.
"I know you said you like me, and I'm happy and I'm not doubting your feelings or what you're saying, but,"
You sighed and rolled your eyes.

You hated how much low he thought about himself.

"I just don't understand why would you want to be with me... I mean, you never saw me, like, what if I was like, ugly, or if I had scars all over my face? How could you want to be with me if you don't know who I am, what is my name, what I look like..."

"Bug, I don't think you are" you intrupted and you could swear to Thor that he rolled his eyes. "But. Even if you are, which i doubt, so? I saw your smile, I saw your cute little freckles, I can, and saw your hot muscles" you felt him pinch you for the last words as you laughed. "But seriously, I don't need to see you to love you. I know who you really are. I know you. I know how sweet and kind you are, I know that you put others life before yours like it's obvious thing to do, I know how much you care about your aunt, I know smart you are that I could ask you anything and you'll know the answer in a second" you felt him huff "I know how much sensitive you are; you care about the small and some say 'useless' people. Yeah, thought I didn't saw you giving your lunch to that old man this morning? That was amazing thing to do, bug. And I don't think you know how much the man appreciate it.
You do all of this amazing and incredible things, thinking it's just a small and basic thing to do But you don't really understand how much you effect people with you big kind heart.
You are an excellent listener. I can blaber for hours over the stupidest thing in the world and repeat my stories for like, three times without noticing and you'll just pretend you didn't heard that before,"

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