electric love- blurb

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A/n: so my sister told my about this trend and i liked it, so, enjoy:)



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Peter and you were best friends.

You knew each since forever.
Your mom and Peter's mom were best friends too at the time, so you both lived at the same place and went to the same schools.

After Peter's parents died in the plane crash, he moved to live with his aunt and uncle, who lived just a floor above you, so not a lot changed.


After peter lost his parents he became close and quiet.
He talked less and turned shy.
Not that you cared.
You sticked to him until you made sure he feels comfortable next to you again.

A few years passed and you became freshmans.

You both went to midtown high for science and technology, and there you met ned and MJ.

All four of you become inseparable.
But everyone knew that you and peter are closer then anyone else.

You were so close to him, that he basically stole your heart and became you first ever crush.

After a while, peter got bite by a radioactive spider and got his power, then, lost ben.

"Oh pete.... C'mere" you walked into his room, not waiting for an answer and hugging him.

His hair was messier than his room, his eyes were puffy and red and didn't stop dropping tears, his nose was pink and his whole body was shaking.

Peter intensely melt into your touch, burring his face in the crook of your neck, crying pike there's no tomorrow.
With one hand stroking his soft curls and the other rubbing soothing circles on his back, Peter's breath finely slowed.
Peter pulled back, only to look in your eyes. "H-he's gone" he whispered and his voice broke.

You nodded softly, feeling the tears falling on your cheeks as well.
You held his face in your hands, wiping away his tears and pressing your forehead to yours and closing your eyes.
"It's gonna be okay. I'll be here, and I'll take care of you and May, alright? Take all the time you need to mourn and heal. Im here"

Now, you were both juniors.
And today was a special day.

Today you're gonna tell peter how tou feel.


You sat on your bed, setting your phone against the wall after you checked that the sound and everything is perfect.

Betty showed you the other day a video of a girl who kissed her best friend for this song; "electric love" by BØRNS.
And you decided that it's the perfect way to confess your feelings for him.

Peter sat next to you, reading some random magazine he took from your desk.

You pressed on 'start' and the music went on.

You looked at the phone and then at Peter.

He was so in the magazine that he didn't even noticed the music or anything.

"Baby you're like lightning in a bottle, i can't let you go now that i got it,"

You bit your lip.
Come on. Don't chicken out.
What's the worst thing could happen, right?
Peter hating kissing you, and stop being your friend?

No. You need to do it.

As the singer finished and the beat dropped, you copped Peter's cheek with your hand, making him look at you before you pressed your lips to his

"Baby your electric love....
Electric love"

The beat made your heart flutter and Peter's lips made your head spin.
You felt peter move one hand to hold your neck while he kissed back.

Finely. Peter thought.

Peter hoped you didn't hear it, but his heart beated so fast and so hard and he almost groaned when you added your other hand and ran both of them through his hair.
He let go of the magazine and send his second hand to your cheek.

But, although you enjoyed kissing peter, your lungs needed air, so you had to pull back, looking up at peter, noticing that he looked down at you with a smirk only for a second before fully leaning in, hovering above you and kissed you again, causing you to let out a gasp.
One hand next to your head and the other one pulling your waist closer.

You pulled back trying to laugh but peter followed your lips with his and just kept kissing you and deepen the kiss.

But then his kisses moved from your lips, to the corner of your mouth, to all of your face.

The whole room filled with giggles as Peter kissed every inch of your face.
You slide your fingers up from his chest to the back of his neck, sending shivers in Peter's body.

Peter finely moved to kiss your lips again, making you hum against them, forgetting about your phone or the video.

Peter placed one hand in each side of your head, keeping him up from falling at you.
He let go of your lips, smiling again and singing "baby your electric love"

You smacked his chest gently shaking your head and laughing.
"Where does all of that came from"

"I should ask the same thing. One second im at my best friend's house" his words making you scoff and scrunch your nose "and the other the girl i love kissing me" he adds.

You pressed you lips to his again. Not for a deep kiss. Only a small peck. "Electric love" you teased before he laughed and shook his head before kissing you again.

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