insecurities 1- glasses

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A/n: so I want to do this mini series, about my insecurities and other people's.
So, I'm starting with glasses cause I just got mine and I kinda hate them...

This one is kinda rushed, so...  Sorry

Tell me if you want anything specific for you!! <3



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"So... My glasses just came..." You said, sitting straighter on your bed.

Peter's head shoot at you.
"Really?? Can I see them??"

You nodded and reached for the plastic bag that was next to you, handing it to peter.

Peter was your best friend for more then 11 years.
It all started when you chased after him in kindergarten trying to kiss him and beginning him to marry you.

Peter took the box out of the bag, then the glasses.
"They look really good y/n/n! Try them on!!" He said, giving you the glasses.

You shook your head.

Peter frowned. "What why?? Just for one second so I could see how you look with them!!" He tried again.

"No!! I look like the nerds from the movies, and not the hot ones. The one who always stays home to do homework and have like, one friend and she never gets the guy cause her hot-nerd best friend already got him and now she's gonna due alone or stay forever with her ugly cats and-"

"What what what what? Y/n what are you talking about?" Peter waved you off, coming closer to you.
"I'm sure they fit you well. Just try"

You looked at him.
The boy you love, your best friend, the one who know you better than yourself.
"Fine. Just- can you... Turn around?"

Peter nodded and turned his head to face the wall.

You took a deep breath and put your glasses on, then tapped in Peter's shoulder, signing him to turn back.
But in the second he faced you again, you covered his eyes with your hands.
"C'mon y/n"

"Promise not to laugh at me"

"I'll try my best, but you know-"


"I promise I promise!" He laughed out.
"Now move your hands so I could see you"

You slowly moved your hands away from his face when your eyes met his brown one's.
Peter didn't say anything, he just stared at you.

You felt so ugly in this moment but you didn't know what's going on Peter's mind.

Peter thought you're beautiful.
He thought about how your glasses make your eyes not clear and shine
He thought that the glasses made you look smarter and sweet.

Peter thought you were the most breathtaking thing that exists

"You see? I told you! I look weird with them. Im just gonna have to stay blind or else I'll die alone cause nobody would what to marry a worm or a-" you mumbled, holding your glasses to pull them down.

But peter held your wrists stopping you.
And then,
He kissed you.
Right on the lips.

It wasn't passionate or needy.
It was short and sweet and soft...
But it ended sooner that you wanted.

Peter just stared at you, and you at him.
You were shocked from his actions.
Your lips still tingling from his warm touch.

"peter" you whispered, expecting an explanation.


"You just kissed me!!" You snapped.

Peter's eyes went wide and his mouth was open like he's gonna say something.
But he didn't. He couldn't.
How the hell he's going to explain to his best friend- crush that he liked her for a year? That she looks amazing with the glasses and she won't die alone of she'll let him in?

So, like a big smart, charming, boy, he ran away.
Like, literally.
He ran back to his house, leaving you alone there.


It was two days.
Two days since peter kisses you and took off.

You didn't talk to him, not that you didn't tried.
Every time you saw him he ran away.
So, you decided to catch him after school.

In lunch, you saw him again, making eyes contact.
Peter looked at you and his eyes went wide and he ran away. Again.

"Peter get your ass back here!!"

You ran after him, catching his hand and pulled him back.

"Ow!!" He whined and pulled his hand back, away from you.

"You owe me an explanation, parker" you demanded, crossing your hand over your chest.

"Explain what?" He played dumb.

"What happened like, two days ago!!"

"We kissed" he simply said.

"No shit Sherlock. Why you kissed?" You rolled your eyes.

Peter looked around, checked you were alone at the hall.
He took a deep breath and started.
"You started talking and complaining about how ugly and weird you looked with the glasses even though you look amazing and beautiful with them. Then, you said you'd be an old lady with cats cause nobody will want to marry you. And it pissed me off cause your talking shit about the girl I like and I didn't know what to do and how to shut you up so I... I kissed you" he blurbed.

You mind was blank.
Peter like you?
He thinks you're beautiful?

You wanted to thank him for thinking that, and tell him you feel the same way but, instead it came out in "You like me?"

Peter nodded. "Since last year"

You smiled and took a step closer.
"I won. I love you for four"

Then, you kissed again.
His soft sweet lips on yours,
His hands holding your cheeks, and yours on his neck and chest.

You pulled away, smiling like idiots.

"Now put your glasses so you could see that you made me smile" he mumbled before kissing you again.

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