meet the avengers

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A/n: the Spanish is from Google translate so... Yeah, sorry:)

Jesus I miss her...



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Peter walked into Mr. Delmar's deli like everyday for the past nine months.

"Oh, Mr. Parker! Good to see you" Mr. Delmar said with a thick accent and a big smile

"Hey Mr. Delmar, how are you?" Peter grined, walking over to scratch merf's, Mr. Delmar's cat, head.

"Good, good. I'm making you the usual, right?"

Peter nodded.
Everytime he got there he got the same order; number 5 with pickles and smush down real flat.
Why? No one knew.

"So how's school kid? Getting good grades?" He said, cutting the bread.

"Um, yeah, yeah" Mr. Delmar knew that peter went to midtown tech, wich mean he's basically a Junius.
He was proud of him so much, because his daughter left the second she could and he left alone. So he counted peter as his own son.

"How's your aunt?" He asked, not even waiting for an answer and looking to some random guy "Su tía es una bella mujer italiana" he smirked.

Peter rised his eyebrows. And then he came out with a stupid idea.
"Como esta y/n?"

And like in a cue, you walked over from the back.

"Why don't you asked her yourself?" You smirked pulling him with you to the bathroom.

Peter held your wait, smiling stupidly at you.
He was so wiped...

You first started to like him when he first came. All nerdy, with big glasses and the sweetest smile you've ever seen.
He came with at least four books and his head was buried in one of them.
Now? He didn't needed his glasses anymore, wich was a shame cause you loved them, and he got all ripped.
Even taller.

Since then, he came everyday. You hoped he came for you.
Little did you know, that was true.
Peter loved your smile, and the way you sang to yourself when you worked.
It's like you got him under a spell.

You moved your hand to his neck "you know, I like when you talk Spanish"

"Oh really?" He smirked, but he was still peter, so a light blush covered his face.

"Mhm. That's hot" you said, leaning in to kiss his lips.
And if course, peter kissed you back softly.

"When is your shift is over? I have a surprise for you" he said to your mouth, making you pull back with a grin.

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