flowers from Ben

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A/n: i thought about this one for a while and i just thought it'd be cute. 

Tell me what you think:)



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".... you'll have a week to finish the project on your free time. The partner list is on the bord, feel free to check after class.
Class dismissed" Mr. H said as he closed his notebook.

You packed your things and walked over to the bord along with the rest of the teens.
After a few minutes of squeezing yourself in, you got to the list.

Y/n y/l/n and peter parker.


Peter was a smart kid.
He was in most of your classes and always knew the answers even if he didn't always said them out loud. (You sat in front of him and you could hear him murmuring tye answers under his breath)

You turned around to look for him, founding him still next to his table.

You walked over to him, smiling warmly "hi, im y/n" you said as you reached your hand.

Peter slowly lifted his eyes from his bag to meet yours, swallowing hard "i-i know. I um.. im parker. Peter. Peter parker" he stuttered before shaking your hand, not braking the eye contact.

Your smile grew when you realised he's not gonna let go of your hand soon "i know. We uh, we're partners"

Peter's eyes winded for a second before he smiled at you sweetly "cool cool. Do you um... We could start today, at the library?"

You nodded "sure, I'll see you later" you squeezed his hand lightly before letting go of it and leaving.


You were just about to close your locker when a "hi" made you jump.

"Shit peter you scared the crap out of me" you breathed out, laughing.

"Sorry! Sorry, i didn't mean to. I just, uh, i came to see if you're ready" he scratched the back of his neck.

You shot your licker close and turned on your heels "ready as I'll ever be" you smile and offered you hand. Peter smiled back, happily excepting you hand and linking his arm with yours with a faint blush on his cheeks.

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