Chapter 7: Wish you were here

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Chapter 7: Wish you were here


His voice was hoarse and he seemed like he had been crying. I turned around and was shocked by what I had saw. The blue eyed boy who's eyes were always shining with mischief were now dull; empty;red and puffy. His perfect blonde hair was unkempt and he had eye bags larger than Canada.

"Dylan." I said without emotion.

He walked up to me keeping a reasonable amount of space between us.

"Please. I need to talk to you. Only you. Right now I think your the only one who can actually make me feel better."

My eyebrows furrowed together as I looked at him. He had a pleading look on his face.

"Look, Dylan. I heard what happened with your mum. I'm so sorry." I stumbled then ran into the house hearing his voice screaming after me.

I slammed the door shut closing my eyes and tears escaping. I needed to be there for him right now but I refuse to be pulled back into him. But he needed me.

That has been what I've been thinking about for the past hour. Ever since I told Ashton why Vanessa was crying I couldn't help but think about him again.

Ever since we broke up 2 years ago I refused to think about him. I refused to even say his name. I guess all this with Vanessa and Caleb is quite similar to mine and his. Except the only difference is that mine was way worse.

Shaking the thoughts to the back of my head I decided to go check on Ashton. He looked as if he was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. It was pretty freaky.

I ran downstairs and walked into the living room to see if Ashton was there but no sign of him. I checked the kitchen but he wasnt their either. Emma was still at work and Vanessa wasn't at home yet so I didn't know where to look. I probably wasted about ten minutes worrying and looking around the rest of the house before I actually decided to go out and look for him.

I tried the park, the cinema, the arcade anywhere I thought Ashton might have been. But then again didn't know him well enough to actually know where he might have been. I tried his mobile countless times as well. It was starting to get dark now but here I was still hopelessly looking for him on the streets as if he was a child who went missing.

Sighing I decided to go back home. After all he wasn't a kid he could handle himself. I quickly reached home but to only see Vanessa and Emma. Emma looked relaxed when she saw me.

"What did I tell you if you wanted to stay out till late? Give me a little call Sarah." She shook her head hugging me.

Where was Ashton?

Vanessa on the other hand had red and puffy eyes greeting me with one hello before signalling me to go upstairs. I ran upstairs to my room with Vanessa shortly following behind me. She closed the door taking a seat on the bed.

"So you told Ashton what happened between me and Caleb." She asked her voice quiet.

"Yeah... I'm sorry its just he seemed so concerned and he told me he would do anything to protect you. Im sorry Vanessa." I sighed.

She walked up to me hugging me then pulling away.

"Ashton got into a fight with Caleb." She said suddenly.

I was shocked because I didn't think it was possible for someone as nice as Ashton to get into a fight.

"" I asked.

"Caleb was at some party when Ashton came hunting him down. Then all of a sudden he threw a punch at him and lost it." Vanessa said calmly.

My eyebrows furrowed as I asked

"So where is he now? Is he okay?"

Vanessa nodded her head.

"He's fine just a nosebleed and I don't know where he is now apparently he left as soon as he finished with Caleb."

I gulped.

"What do you mean by finished with Caleb?"

"Never mind. Anyway I'll see you tomorrow in school I've got to go to a friends house for a sleepover." Vanessa smiled but her eyes were still red and puffy.

I smiled back as Vanessa walked out of the room.

What did she mean by that?

Trying to get my mind off everything I decided to go back to my house just to see how everything was.

I ran downstairs to the kitchen telling Emma where I was going. She offered to drive me seeing as it was a long walk but I kindly rejected but obviously Emma being Emma was dominant on driving me. I offered to just take her car but she rejected that as well with a big grin stretched out on her face.

Emma excitedly ran out of the house waiting in the car.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked laughing.

She just laughed in return as she drove to my house at full speed.

When we reached my house Emma parked her car on the side of the house and ushered me to go into the garage of the house.

I looked at her like she was a mad person but followed any way.

When I came into the garage there waiting for me with a big ribbon on the bonnet was a red Ferrari 458

I immediately ran towards it admiring the bodywork of the car. I turned towards Emma and said

"You knew?"

She grinned sheepishly

"I may have been told about a certain car for a certain someone and was told not to tell her under any circumstances. For the record I was pretty good at it. It's been here for a week now!"

I laughed before one again admiring the bodywork of the car.

"Don't you actually want to test drive it?" Emma laughed waving the keys to the car in her hand.

I quickly rushed towards her stumbling a bit and then taking the keys. I ran inside the car astounded by the beauty of the car.

"You go take the car for a spin and I'll just go see if everything is okay around the house. Just don't drive round for too long." She smiled at me before walking away to the inside of the house.

I got out of the car and said "Emma?"

She turned around in a flash.

"Yes darling?" Emma asked

"Thank you," I smiled at her before going to hug her.

She hugged me back and said "Its okay, it's your parents you should thank they paid for it."

The only reason they brought me this was because they're not around and want to make it up to me

I pulled out of the hug giving her a smile before saying

"I'll see you at home," She smiled back at me.

I ran back to the Ferrari starting the car and driving out of the garage.


It was getting late before I decided to drive back home and go to sleep.

I wonder if Ashton's home yet.

I thought to myself as I parked the car. Sighing I walked slowly back into the house.

When I came inside the house I made sure to be quiet because all the lights were switched off and I assumed that Emma had gone to bed. Vanessa was at a friend's house but I still wasn't sure if Ashton was home.

Trying to shrug off whatever it was I was feeling I truged up the stairs but stopped halfway when I heard the door being opened.

"Your back," I smiled turning around.

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