Chapter 24: This stupid thing called oxygen.

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Chapter 24: This stupid thing called oxygen.

"Just one more thing. I know that there's this girl. I've been waiting for a while now to say how I felt. Seeing as though I've already said most of it. Here it goes." Ashton whispered his breath hot on my lip.

By now I forgot about the rain drizzling down on us. I forgot about Amanda. I forgot about Dylan. Heck I forgot that there was even an existence besides the two of us.

"I like you Sarah. Fuck no I don't just like you anymore. I love you."

"W-what?" I asked suddenly being brought back down to Earth.

The rain was stronger now more than ever.

Ashton looked up, his hair was messed up because of the rain. His nose was slightly red. His eyes however shined through all of it.

He took a step closer towards me and took my hand holding it.

"I said I love you." Ashton smiled.

His smile was absolutely breathtaking. It was like I had never seen anything like it before.

Ashton brought his face closer towards me about to place his lips onto mine.

I felt my heart beat race forward into a frenzy as my stomach twisted into knots I've never felt before.

"May I?" Ashton smiled down at me.

He was like my very own Prince Charming.

"You may," I replied as he quickly connected our lips together.

I don't know what happened to me at that moment. It was like nothing else mattered.

Just me and Ashton.

The kiss was way different than last time.

The last time we kissed was a little awkward. Something was holding us back. It was probably because we were being watched by the guys.

This time however was different. In a good way. It felt as though we fit together. Like we were missing pieces of a jigsaw.

Ashton let go of my hand as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Almost instantly I started running my hands through his wet soggy hair.

He smelt of aftershave even through the rain. It wasn't one of those strong kinds, it was a light smell. He also had a faint smell of cigarettes.

I didn't know he smoked.

I felt Ashton smile through the kiss as he wrapped his arms even tighter around me, pulling me closer towards him.

If that was even possible.

Finally we pulled away. Not by choice but because of this stupid thing called oxygen.

Ashton leaned his forehead against mine as he smiled down at me.

"So now you know what I really think of you and how I really feel about you,"

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