Chapter 38: I don't want to be Edward he's all shiny and shit

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Chapter 38: I don't want to be Edward he's all shiny and shit

"So why again did you and Dylan just suddenly bury the hatchet?" Ashton asked rolling his eyes as we drove home from school.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, I guess we've just both moved on." I replied.

"Stop lying Sarah. Please it's not a good look on you." Ashton chuckled.

"Come on Ashton let it go." I smiled at him as he parked the car.

"Fine. But just know you can tell me anything." He smiled as he kissed my forehead when we met at the front of the car.

"Does it hurt?" He murmured motioning towards my face.

"I can barely feel it's there." I whispered smiling as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

When we pulled away he had a slight frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He quickly replaced it with a smile but you could tell it was fake.

"It's nothing. I promise." His eyes twitched lightly.

"Ashton?" I asked.

He sighed running a hand through his hair.

"It's just that the guy bruised your face and broke you heart yet your letting him back in. You've forgiven him."

"Ashton, I'm sorry. I would tell you but I promised him." I replied.

"I haven't forgiven him for hurting me but he's explained." I carried on.

"Explained what?" Ashton asked.

"Please Ashton." I begged quietly.

"You know I would've told you but it's just this is a little different." I told him.

He finally nodded understandingly.

"Just promise me one thing Sarah." He said.

"Anything." I replied quickly.

"I don't have to worry about him breaking us up or anything do I?" Ashton asked.

"Nope. Not at all." I replied wholeheartedly.

"Good." He smiled but it didn't quite reach his face.


"So what did the Principle say?" I asked as I made us both a snack.

"Nothing. I explained to him what happened and he believed me so he let me go." Ashton shrugged with a slight smirk on his face.

"I forgot to ask you." I said as I gave him a sandwich (not my Sarah surprise but it was close).

"Did Blake land a date with that girl then?" He chuckled his eyes creasing a little and his dimple appearing again.

"Nope. She flipped him off when he asked her. Something about him being too much of a flirt." He laughed again.

"So has he just forgotten about her?" I asked.

"Nope. He's declared that he's going to keep on doing it until she says yes to one date." He laughed again.

I laughed too and Ashton looked like he was about to say something but was cut off when my phone rang.

I looked down at the caller ID and was surprised to see that it was my mum.

"I'll be right back." I murmured walking out of the kitchen into the front room.

Me: Hello?
Mum: Sarah, me and your dad we've been talking and we realised that we were going to miss your graduation.
Me: What do you mean by 'were going to miss'
Mum: Well we've made some calls and spoke to a few people and well long story short, we're coming home in one month!

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