Chapter 17: Who said chivalry was dead?

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Chapter 17: Who said chivalry was dead?

I just came out the shower and the time read 6:30 that meant that I was due at blakes in half an hour. For my outfit I didn't really pick out anything special. It was just another random t-shirt with leggings my converse and ankle socks.

My hair was still wet so I asked Vanessa if I could borrow a hair dryer to which she accepted. Before she gave it to me she started gushing about how I'm actually trying to bother about my hair these days. Then she asked where I was even going so I just told her that I'm going to Blake's house with Ashton and Ian.

She just raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

I quickly thanked her going into my room and started combing my hair by the little dressing table that Emma had put in there a few weeks ago.

I had to admit. At first I really didn't want to go, but now I don't know why I was actually looking forward to it but I was also kinda nervous. The butterflies were just bursting through me.

I looked up in my mirror only to lock eyes with Ashton who was leaning on my door frame with his arms crossed smiling slightly. When he noticed that I saw him he quickly averted his eyes and sitting down on my bed.

He coughed then said to me "Sarah you look fine honestly. We need to get going,"

My eyes then reached the clock which read 7:00.


"Sorry Ashton. Let me just tie my hair back." I smiled looking for my hair tie. Ashton sat down on the bed.

"I can't find my hair tie." I groaned.

He smiled and walked up so that my back was towards him. I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

He then bent down so that he was level with me and whispered in my ear,

"It's over there,"

Was it just me or was it really hot in here?

He pointed towards the dresser where my hair tie was next to Vanessa's hair dryer.

He then picked it up before I could reach it.

I felt the butterflies increase in my stomach each time I even took a breath.

"Erm...T-t-t-thanks... A-a-a-ashton." I stuttered.

"Here let me princess." He said going back to full height and taking all my hair back. He took the brush and combed it all back putting it into a high pony.

"There princess. You look beautiful."

He smiled keeping eye contact in the mirror with me. He was about to say something but was interrupted by his phone going off.

"It's Blake," He murmured rolling his eyes walking away and answering his phone.

I didn't really hear his conversation with Blake but I'm presuming it was a short one because he came back a few minutes later telling me that Blake and Ian were already there waiting for us.

"Let's go then," I smiled slightly pushing him out of my room.

"Hurry up I'll be waiting for you downstairs," He spoke as he walked away.

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