Chapter 43: You promise?

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Chapter 43: You promise?

"Hey this is Ashton. You've reached voicemail. Just leave me a message and I'll get back to you when I can." Sighing I threw my phone on my bed.

It has been two days since everything that happened with Dylan and Amanda and Ashton was no where to be seen. My parents came back yesterday so I'm back at my own house. I rang Emma and asked if she had seen Ashton but she said he still hasn't been home. I asked Vanessa in school and she said he hasn't shown up either.

I tried his phone constantly ever since I got home to his house that day but he didn't answer.

"Sarah?" A voice said from the doorway. I looked up to see my mum standing at the doorway with a sandwich in her hand.

"I'm not hungry." I replied turning around.

"Sarah, honey you've not eaten properly for the past few days. It's not good for your health." My mum said walking in to my room sitting down next to me on my bed.

I just snorted in response. Now they're bothered about my well being.

"Look if it's about Emma's boy, Ashton, I'm sure he'll show up. I mean I get you two are friends bu-"

I interrupted my mum. I know she was trying but I just couldn't handle it.

"Mum. He's not just my friend. He's my boyfriend. And he's missing because Dylan- yeah Dylan came back and him and his step sister who just so happens to be Ashton's ex girlfriend decided that they'd try to break us up. So Dylan tricked me into going on a date with him then he kissed me and Ashton saw." I snapped at her.

"Dylan? As in your ex Dylan?" Mum asked confused. Which she was bound to be. I mean when we moved it was for two reasons, one because of mum and dad's work obviously and second because we thought it'd be the last we seen of Dylan so him turning up out of the blue wasn't exactly easy to comprehend.

"No Dylan as in Dylan O'Brien! Of course my ex Dylan!" I rolled my eyes at her screaming a little.

"Mind your tone young lady! All I'm trying to do is make sense of what's going on with you and I do not need you to speak to me like that! It's already stressful at work and we've had to postpone everything to be here with you and I get we've been bad parents leaving you alone or with a neighbor constantly but the least I'm asking for is a little respect!" My mum screamed and for the first time ever she was actually mad with me. Like actually mad. Call me crazy but I actually liked it.

"I'm sorry mum." I said hugging her. "It's just I've missed you."

"I've missed you too sweety." My mum smiled before carrying on. "But don't think I'm letting you get away with speaking to me like that. You're banned from reading for a whole week." My mum said strictly but I could tell that there was some humor to it.


"So let's get this straight. Dylan and his step sister Amanda, who is also Ashton's ex, didn't like the fact you and Ashton were together so they planned to break you both up. They heard Ashton had planned a date for you both so he sent some card telling you to come to a restaurant at 8 which you went to because the card wasn't signed so you thought Ashton sent it but when you realised it was Dylan and not Ashton you did what?" Mum asked for the gazillionth time.

"I like more or less asked Dylan what he was doing there and no Ashton, blah blah Dylan tried to act like an evil mastermind and told me his plan and when he did tell me I ened up leaving but he followed me out and kissed me. When I pushed him away and turned around to leave I saw Ashton who saw the kiss and then left. Oh and Amanda was somehow with Ashton but I'm presuming she's the one who brought Ashton to Mauro's." I finished looking at my mum who just looked baffled.

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