Chapter 41: Stop trying to fuck whilst the rest of us are in the house

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Chapter 41: Stop trying to fuck whilst the rest of us are in the house

"Hey princess? You awake?" I heard Ashton's voice from the doorway. My eyes shot open as I got up from the sofa running towards him.

"I am now." I smiled at him.

"Aw. And there was me hoping that if you were actually asleep, I'd get to carry you up the stairs." Ashton pouted.

"What? And give you the opportunity to stare at me whilst I sleep? No thank you sir." I giggled.

"Oh really? You'd love for me to watch you whilst you sleep." Ashton smirked.

"Kinky." I laughed.

"Since when did you get so confident princess?" Ashton asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I wrapped my hands around his jacket collar laughing.

"Well since I met this guy. He's a real weirdo. Always looking for opportunities to kiss me." I raised my eyebrows as if in annoyance.

"Oh really?" Ashton asked smiling, showing me his dimple.

"Yup. Kinda like this." I said kissing him on the lips before turning around to run away.

Before I could run, Ashton quickly grabbed my waist pulling me into him.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ashton whispered with his breath fanning my cheek. I felt that particular part of my face heating up.

"What the fuck? And how many times do I have to tell you to stop trying to fuck whilst the rest of us are in the house? Hm I haven't said that once yet so I'll say it now." Vanessa's voice came from the top of the stairs startling me and Ashton before I could reply to what he said.

"Stop. trying. to. fuck. whilst. the. rest. of. us. are. in. the. house." Vanessa said in an annoyed tone as she descended from the stairs, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm sure you've noticed by now, that my sister gets really bad pms so yeah." Ashton laughed running a hand though his hair.

"Yeah I think I've noticed." I laughed "Anyway I'll see you tomorrow I'm really tired right now." I said before giving Ashton a quick kiss and running up the stairs in to my room, changing into my pyjamas.


I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing to a text.

From: Unknown: Hey Sarah

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I typed a reply.

To: Unknown: Hey stalker? Who's this?

Almost instantly the person replied.

From: Unknown: I'll give you three guesses.

To: Unknown: Okay this is getting weird now. Either tell me who you are or you're going to get blocked.

From: Unknown: Ah Sarah, you should know better than to know when somethings a game. You have to guess

From: Unknown: Guess 1: You hate the fact I don't know shit about maths.

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