Chapter 16: What does that term even mean?

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Chapter 16: What does that term even mean?

Blake and Ian really were not joking when they had asked for my help.

It was like another morning. I did my daily routine and then waited for everyone else to get ready.

Like the good girl I am, I already made breakfast for everyone.

Vanessa really did keep her promise. Except she made it look a little more believable. She came downstairs after everyone else in her pyjamas acting like she was here the whole night. I nearly believed her myself until she gave me a wink and a thumbs up when no one was looking.

As for Ashton, he just smiled at me every time our eyes would meet. Every time that happened, I could feel butterflies just bursting in my stomach.

This was not meant to happen. I wasn't meant to feel any butterflies for anyone.

Emma would still look slyly between me and Ashton but wouldn't say anything.

I think Vanessa noticed cause she raised an eyebrow at us but then carried on eating her breakfast.

Once breakfast was finished Vanessa quickly dashed upstairs and got ready whilst Ashton was waiting for her.

I was in the front room whilst Ashton came downstairs and I said

"So Ashton, I'll see you at school, I'll take my car,"

He replied frowning.

"You don't need to do that princess, you can take a ride with me and Vanessa,"

I shook my head

"No it's fine I've gotta go to school to hand in an assignment,"

He smiled chuckling

"Okay I'll see you at school then,"

I waved goodbye as I quickly left the house and went in my car to school.

When I reached school, people were already starting to fill up. I quickly parked my car before rushing to the library and reading a bit of my book then making my way to homeroom.

Just as I was about to reach the door two very familiar voices screamed my name through the corridor earning curious glances from everyone else.

"Sarah!" I turned around to see Ian and Blake rushing towards me shortly followed by Ashton.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"So you never answered my question," Blake said frowning. This made Ashton glare at him.

"What question?" I decided to play innocent.

"You know the one I asked on the group yesterday?"

I rose an eyebrow.

"I can't really remember? Your going to have to tell me later. I'm late for homeroom,"

I rushed into the classroom and I could hear Blake screaming

"You can't hide away from the answer forever!"

I shook my head in annoyance as I took a seat in the back.

They weren't going to leave me alone were they? But why did they have to ask me? They can ask any girl they want.


I managed to ignore the three for the rest of the day. I stayed in the library during break but that meant I didn't see Vanessa which also meant I'd have to come out of hiding at lunch just in case she thought I'd ditched her or something. She left me 24 missed calls just in the space of 15 minutes.

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