Chapter 25: Sometimes there's more to a story than what's being told.

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Chapter 25: Sometimes there's more to a story than what's being told.

"How do I look?" Emma asked as she came downstairs shortly followed by Vanessa.

Ashton was at Blake's house again and Emma was getting ready for her date with Kyle. With Vanessa's help of course.

"Emma you look amazing!" I gushed at her dress.

She was wearing a light pink dress which reached her ankles. The dress was sleeveless and her hair was half up half down. The rest of her hair was curled.

"Don't you think I'm a little old to be going on dates?" Emma asked a little flustered.

"No mum, if anything you should go on more dates!" Vanessa laughed.

"Kyle should be here any moment now mum, stop freaking out," Vanessa laughed.

"Hey I'm home," Ashton spoke shutting the front door behind him.

"Woah! Mum where are you going?" Ashton asked noticing Emma when he stepped inside the room.

"She's going for her date with Kyle," Vanessa grinned.

"Mum why don't you have like a glass of water or something, you look like your about to faint," Ashton smiled at Emma.

Emma nodded before leaving the room to get some water.

"Vanessa please stop making a big deal out of this," Ashton calmly spoke.

"What?" Vanessa glared at Ashton.

"All I'm saying is you can see she's stressing out so stop stressing her out even more,"

"At least I'm trying and it is a big deal! It's her first date since dad!" Vanessa glared again at Ashton.

Ashton looked like he was about to say something but he was stopped by the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it!" Vanessa instantly perked up.

"Don't be so hard on her Ashton, she's just happy for Emma," I sighed when Vanessa left the room.

Ashton sighed running a a hand through his hair.

"I know, it's just that-"

He was stopped by Kyle entering the room.

Kyle was wearing a navy blue suit and his dirty blonde hair was combed back.

"Hey guys," Kyle spoke awkwardly as he took a seat on the couch.

"Guys I think I've just about calmed my-" Emma spoke as she walked in the room. She stopped halfway through her sentence as she noticed Kyle.

"Oh hey Kyle," Emma laughed nervously her cheeks flushing a light shade of pink.

"Okay so we want her home by 10. Any later and you'll be in trouble," Ashton laughed jokingly but you could tell he meant it.

There was something different about Ashton. His eyes were shining differently. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was though.

Kyle nodded his head as he stood up and held his hand out for Emma.

"Shall we?" Kyle smiled at Emma.

Emma nodded her head taking his hand before looking back towards us waving goodbye.


Vanessa left the house a few minutes after Emma left saying that she had to go study or something.

Whereas I, hit the shower and got into my pyjamas.

Ashton went up to his room saying something about work which meant I pretty much had the house to myself.

I had done most of my homework so I had no other option but to watch a movie.

I really need a better social life.

I shut all the curtains made the room as dark as possible, microwaved some popcorn and found some ice cream in the freezer.

Now for the hard part.

Finding a movie.

I think Blake probably left some of his movies here so there was plenty to choose from.

Finally I decided on an action movie. Wrapping myself in a blanket, I quickly started it making myself comfortable on the sofa.

Friday nights were the best.


"Hey," Ashton whispered.

My eyes quickly shot open. The movie was still playing and all the food was how I left it on the coffee table.

"What you watching?" Ashton asked as he sat down on the sofa next to me.

I think I was still a little groggy from the nap so I just motioned my head towards the screen.

He laughed lightly as he wrapped his arm around me motioning for me to rest my head on his shoulder.

"This feels right, so right." I heard him say to himself.

"I know," I found myself replying.

I looked up at him to see him already looking at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm just glad fate brought us together,"

"What's with all the cheesiness?" I asked sitting up straight.

Ashton shrugged in response.

"I don't know, I think I'm just happy," He said after a little while.

"Weren't you always happy?" I asked again.

"What's with all the questions?" He laughed.

I shrugged in response just like he did moments ago.

"In answer to your question though, there's a lot you don't know about me. A lot has happened in my life that I keep locked away. You only know from what I portray myself as, and from what people say. I haven't been happy all my life. Sometimes there's more to the story than what's being told,"

Ashton sighed.

"Tell me the story then, share it with me," I found myself saying.

"Maybe another time princess. Now is a good moment, maybe even perfect. I don't wanna ruin it." Ashton replied moments later.

I sighed putting my head back onto his shoulder.

We sat there in silence watching the movie. There were so many different emotions going through me.

There was one that was apparent though.

I was happy. Right here, right now- with Ashton.


This chapter was really hard to right. I know, it's really short but honestly I had two different things happening in this chapter, I didn't even know what was going on. Which then resulted into my little writers ' block phase. It was literally horrible. Anyway I've finally come out of hibernation and I'm ready to write!

See you guys soon!
Sorry for any grammar mistakes,


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