Chapter 37: My girl

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Chapter 37: My girl

"What's wrong Sarah?" Ashton asked nudging my arm slightly.

After realising I wasn't going to reply he followed my gaze to where they were.

"So what it's just Amanda and her pick of the month." Ashton laughed slightly.

I didn't reply to him but rather I was still focused on Dylan's gaze at me and Ashton. More importantly him watching mine and Ashton's hands which were linked together.

I looked up towards Ashton and I could feel my eyes watering ever so slightly,

"Ashton, that's not just Amanda's pick of the month."

"Who is it then?" The smile slowly falling off his face.

"It's Dylan."

After that everything just happened so quickly. Ashton's face had changed a different colour as he marched up to Dylan and Amanda.

"Dylan right?" Ashton asked his tone very angry.

"Maybe, why?" Dylan asked, the usual cockiness he had from before still present. His eyes were fixed on mine with a range of emotions floating through.

"Well because I have something for you." Ashton spat as Dylan looked at him confused.

"And what could you possibly have for me?" Dylan rolled his eyes as they met with mine again.

Ashton ignored him as he clenched and unclenched his fists- it was almost as though he was having an internal debate with himself.

"Sarah? It's been a long ass time. You've certainly matured more since the last time we met." Dylan laughed humourlessly as his eyes roamed me up and down.

I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I guess it was from the shock of seeing him here.

"Ahh still as quiet as a mouse. Just the way I like them." He glared before taking a step towards me.

By now Ashton had composed himself so he roughly pushed me behind him.

"Don't you fucking dare even touch my girl." Ashton spat as his arm remained latched around mine.

"My girl?" Dylan mocked as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes mine. And I promise you, if you even think of looking at her I will rip you limb from limb." Ashton glared harder but this only made Dylan laugh more.

"How cute! She finally found someone who is willing to date her." Dylan laughed.

"Shut up." I spoke quietly as I walked in front of Ashton.

Amanda and Dylan both looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"And who's going to make me?" Dylan smirked.

"Me." I replied.

"Okay. Yeah I'm so scared Sarah." Dylan mockingly rolled his eyes.

"You should be Dylan."

"Yeah? And why's that? Last time I heard you were bawling your eyes out over our breakup when you finally came to the realisation that I just wanted to have sex with you." Dylan laughed not even slightly intimidated by Ashton.

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