Chapter 10: Jelous? Me? No, never.

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Chapter 10:

When we finally reached Emma's boss' house, Emma told us that we would have to be on our best behavior and that we have to speak politely if we're spoken to.

I was nodded my head throughout this, Ashton was just rolling his eyes and I looked towards Vanessa to see that she wasn't even paying attention. Her eyes were fixed on something else. Or should I say someone else.

Her eyes were fixed on a tall boy who had deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He was laughing and smiling with other people who had looked around the same age as him.

I wonder who he is. He looked awfully familiar, why can't I remember him.

Shrugging off the feeling I turned my attention towards Emma.

"Got that?" Emma's voice distracted me and caught me attention before turning around and walking into the house. I say house but really I mean mansion. This place was so big!

We followed Emma into the mansion but as I was walking I felt a tug on my wrist which sent butterflies exploding on my stomach.

I must be really nervous right now.

I turned around to see Ashton glaring at me.

"What?" I asked feeling snappy but could still feel butterflies exploding.

Ashton's glare suddenly softened and his glare turned into a smile.

"Nothing, I just thought I'd tell you that you look nice."

"Umm.. Thanks" I replied feeling awkward because he already said that before.

He smiled back at me before grabbing my hand and walking through the door.

"Woah." I said as we entered the hall. Ashton just stood their smirking.

"Pretty good huh? I've been here alot. Me and his daughter used to have a fling."

I raised an eyebrow with a questioning look.

"It was a long time ago though. like ancient history," He quickly replied before pulling my hand to walk in further into the house.

I don't why but when we were holding hands I felt the butterflies again and something else. I just didn't know what though.

I looked around the room. There were adults everywhere all talking amongst one another with glasses of wine in their hands.

I saw Vanessa again and she was talking to that boy again. well I say talking but I mean literally throwing herself at him getting unimpressed looks from everyone else around her.

In the background faint music could be heard playing but getting louder as the more people walked in.

"May I have this dance princess?" Ashton asked looking at me hopefully.

I smiled at him taking his hand , "You may,"

He laughed as he put his hands on my waist. Once again I felt them butterflies.

I ignored them as I wrapped my hands around Ashton's shoulders swaying to the music.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you." Ashton murmured into my ear.

I was going to ask what was wrong if it wasn't for someone squealing through my ears breaking me and Ashton apart.

"Oh my god! I haven't seen you in so long Ashton!"

A girl wearing a bright pink dress which revealed way too much cleavage and which was way too short. Her blonde hair had too much volume in as she huffed and puffed whilst hugging my Ashton.

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