Chapter 44: Graduation

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Chapter 44: Graduation

Good morning beautiful. I love you and happy graduation! See you soon. Ashton X

I woke up on graduation day to a bouquet of flowers sat on my desk.

"Goood morning darling!" My mother beamed as she walked into my room with a tray full of breakfast.

"Eat up sweetheart!" My Dad smiled as he walked into the room.

"Guys you didn't have to do this." I smiled to them as I ate my breakfast.

"Nonesense it's not everyday our daughter graduates high school!" My mum smiled proudly. "We're both so proud of you honey. Aren't we proud of her Hank?" My mum asked as she looked towards my dad who was eyeing the flowers warily.

"Hmm? Yeah we're so proud of you Sarah." He said not taking his eyes off the flowers.

"Hank you can stop staring the boy isn't going to jump out of them flowers!" My mum laughed.

"Sorry." Dad chuckled. "Anyway Sarah, we got you something." My Dad said walking out of the room.

I looked at my mum questionably who just grinned in return.

My dad came back with two gift bags.

"This is one is from your mum and me." He said handing me a small gift bag. "And this one is from Emma. She sends her apologies for not being able to give it to you in person but she just really wants you to wear it today." My Dad said handing me another gift bag.

I looked inside the first one and opened up a little box that was inside of it. It was a small pendent shaped like a love heart. Inside of it was a picture of me, mum and dad from when I was born.

"It's beautiful, thank you!" I said leaning forward to hug them.

My mum laughed as her and my dad got up.

"We'll see you in a bit Sarah." My mum said as they left but she motioned me towards the gift bag from Emma.

When they left I looked inside.

There was a little note.

To avoid any confusion yes this is from Emma. This is just a small gesture I can do to show you how much you mean not only to me but to my little family. When you came to stay with us I had no idea how much you would help us and change our lives. I'd like to thank you for everything you've done and I know this will never be enough.

Thank you for being you and carry on being you.

Lots of love Emma x

P.s. I'd love for you to wear the dress I got you.

I looked inside the bag to see a strapless teal dress that was short from the front and long from the back.

Smiling I quickly brushed my teeth and went to the shower and wore the dress on. It had fit me perfectly.

Ok now time for makeup. I had no idea how to do anything like a cut crease or whatever it is that Vanessa does on my face so I just applied light foundation with some red lipstick and mascara. For my hair it had just reached my shoulders so I just straightened it and left it out.

I gave myself one final look in the mirror before grabbing some flats and going downstairs.

My mum smiled at me and told me that I looked beautiful as she wiped a tear away.

"Come on darling it's not her wedding day! We need to get going!" My Dad laughed as her ushered us out of the house.


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