Chapter 9: Maybe I'm just nervous

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Chapter 9: Maybe I'm just nervous

"Princess hurry up we're going to be late!" Ashton screamed once again from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I screamed back. We were currently going to Emma's boss' house for a business party and everyone was ready. That is everyone but me.

Emma brought me a dress it was a long royal blue dress with lots of embroidery at the top. The dress itself sounds really plain and horrible but trust me out was really beautiful. And expensive.

When I offered to pay for the dress Emma refused straight away and said that if I were to give her the money I'd be insulting her. I even tried to give the money to Ashton and he also refused. Much to my dismay.

Anyway I had the beautiful dress but I just didn't know how to do my make up or how to do my hair. I mean just by looking at the dress you could tell that Emma really wanted to make a good impression. I couldn't go looking all plain and boring!

"Need some help?" A voice said at the doorway. I turned around to see Vanessa stood their with amusement in her eyes.

"Oh my god! Yes! I have no idea how to wear make up and I certainly don't know what to do with my hair!" I stressed.

"Calm down Sarah! Just take a deep breath and calm down. Your starting to sound like a girl. We've got plenty of time. Ashton's just bored cause he already got ready so he wanted to bother you. Sorry our fault for getting like an hour early." Vanessa grinned sheepishly.

I laughed calming down as Vanessa spoke.
"Okay right n you take a seat and I'll get everything I need for your make up and hair."

I nodded sitting down on the bed patiently waiting for Vanessa. When she cake back she had her hands full of make up and other stuff that I had to help her bring it inside.

Three quarters of an hour later she was done.

"There! You look amazing!" Vanessa beamed.

"Can I see?" I asked eager to see how I looked.

"Nope! Go wear your dress on and go to my room so that you can see yourself in the full length mirror."

I nodded my head excitedly as I quickly threw my dress on running into Vanessa's room.

I ran up to the mirror gasping as I caught a glimpse of myself.

Vanessa had done my make up beautifully. It was actually hard to recognize myself.

My make up had been kept to a minimum. My lips were painted amazing shade of red and my hair was sat in loose curls just below my shoulders.

"Do you like it?" Vanessa asked entering the room standing next to me.

"Yeah! I love it! Thank you Vanessa!" I squealed.

Vanessa laughed as she went to her closet taking out the most amazing pair of silver heels.

"You can't go bare foot can you?" She laughed again handing me the shoes.

I laughed back thanking her before looking in the mirror once again. I actually liked how I looked but next to Vanessa I looked like a homeless person.

Vanessa had on a similar dress to mine except her dress was burgundy and her blonde hair was straight and instead of silver embroidery on her dress she had gold. Her make up too was kept to a minimum except Vanessa looked georgous.

"Come on let's go downstairs so we can set off," Vanessa laughed leaving the room.

I followed her trying not to fall in the heels. They're so high!

By the time I was halfway down the stairs Vanessa had already ran downstairs waiting with Emma and Ashton in the front room.

"Ah! Sarah your finally her-" Emma said but then stopped when she turned around and saw me.

"Sarah you look amazing!" Emma gushed.

I blushed looking down feeling shy because it caused Ashton to turn around.

"Right come on guys let's get going!" Emma spoke clapping her hands together walking out of the house.

We all followed with Vanessa behind Emma then me and then Ashton last.

"You look amazing princess," Ashton whispered in my ear smirking.

I smiled at him before going inside the car. Vanessa took shotgun so Ashton had to join me at the back.

The whole car ride consisted of Vanessa singing along to whatever song played on the radio. Much to Ashton's annoyance.

I looked towards Ashton who just had a scowl on his face at Vanessa's terrible singing.

He had a black suit on with a white shirt underneath. His tie was a skinny tie and was black. His brown hair had been combed back to neaten it up. To be honest Ashton did look good.

Noticing there was a pair of eyes watching him, Ashton looked up locking his eyes with mine which immediately sent butterflies bursting in my stomach.
Maybe I'm just nervous

At first I saw nervousness floating around in his eyes but was quickly replaced by a smirk before turning around and looking back out of the window.


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