Chapter 42: Ashton's some dude who's whipped off his ass

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Chapter 42: Ashton's some dude who's whipped off his ass

"I knew you couldn't resist having a date with me," He smirked for the gazillionth time as he leaned back into his chair.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself you tricked me Dylan." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hey in my defense not once did I mention that you were going to see me here on our date." he used the word again and it took everything inside of me not to rip his head off.

Why the fuck was I still listening to all of his bullshit?

"Well this was nice but I need to get going," I said abruptly standing up from my chair trying to keep calm gaining the attention of the other people in the restaurant.

"Sarah wait!" Before he could say anything else I quickly ran out of the restaurant.

Just as I was about to reach the exit doors I felt a tug on my wrist pulling me back. He turned my face towards him murmuring,

"You're not getting away this time." Before he harshly slammed his lips against mine forcing me to kiss him.

I couldn't even register what was happening before I pushed him away.

Turning around I saw Ashton watching, a rose in his hand wearing a tuxedo.

"Ashton," I said trying to explain.

"Save it." He said dropping the rose out of his hand and running out of the restaurant.


"Have you tried ringing him?" Blake asked as I opened the front door to him and Ian.

"Only like every fucking minute!" I looked at him like he said the most dumbest thing in the world.

"Ok so no one knows where he is?" Ian asked.

"Well Vanessa hasn't come home yet so I don't know about her but everyone else literally has no clue where he is. Well I did get this come through the letterbox." I said showing him the card.

Blake and Ian looked at the card and then at me and then at the card and then again finally at me before bursting into laughter.

"Sarah you're such an idiot. Obviously this is from Ashton! He's planned a date for the both of you!" Blake laughed.

"Seriously? Blake you pillock I know that he's planned a date but where do you think he is right now? I mean he's not answering his phone and he didn't come home last night either. Also don't you find it even a little bit strange that he didn't just give me the note himself or sign it or anything? Something's fishy here."

"No Sarah nothing's fishy. I think you should just maybe think about the possibility that maybe Ashton is just busy planning this for you." Ian said as he looked at the card again.

Before I could reply to him the front door opened. I quickly rushed to see who it was. Vanessa.

"Vanessa could you please explain to Sarah that Ashton is some stupid dude who's whipped off his ass and is busy planning a date for her?" Blake said to her when she walked in the front room.

Her face broke out in to a grin nodding her head frantically.

"Yes it's true he is. I mean shit I ruined the surprise but yes you're right he actually is!" Vanessa smiled.

"For a whole day?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup you've really got this guy whipped. Look if it makes you feel any better I literally just came back from seeing him because he wanted my help with something. And anyway if you found what he left you he said to come at eight which gives me about 45 minutes to get you ready." Vanessa carried on.

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