Chapter 2- Contact number 4:

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Chapter 2- Contact number 4:

I reached school in about five minutes. I quickly parked my car in one the empty spots.I was early but only some spaces were filled.

I quickly went to my library and picked out all the books I needed for the day before walking to the library.

I sat on one the chairs that they had and did some extra homework so I wouldn't fall behind.

When I finished doing the homework I looked outside the window and could already see that more people had arrived.

I checked the time on the clock which was on the wall and realised that there was only 5 minutes till the warning bell rang for homeroom.

I packed up all my things and left the library going to homeroom.

I quickly took a seat in the back row waiting for everyone to pile in.

I trailed off in my thoughts as I was making my way to first lesson. When I entered the students were making their way into the classroom.

As expected they avoided the back row.

I rolled my eyes at their ignorance taking a seat.

Once our teacher Miss Andrews had entered the classroom she started going on about Shakespeare and how he wrote lots of different plays and sonnets. She went on to name a couple of the most famous ones like Romeo and Juliet and mcbeth.

"So as an assignment you will be working with a partner for the next three weeks on a presentation about Shakespeare. Oh and just to make this a little interesting me and Mrs Green have both decided to pair up our classes. They should be arriving any mom-"

She was cut off by Mrs Green and her class piling in.

Mrs Green puffing like she just ran a marathon and the rest of her class were mainly breathing heavily and had beads of sweat rolling from their foreheads.

"Sorry we're late. We were on the other side of the building so we had to run to get here. Didn't want to keep you all waiting! "

Mrs Green beamed still recovering from running.

Mrs Green was by far one of the most nicest teachers I've ever met. Not only was she nice but she made teaching fun.

Miss Andrews just smiled but you could see she was annoyed because she was interrupted.

" So whilst you all recover I'll read out who your working with."

"Rebecca and Sam"

"Liam and Amanda"

At least she's not my partner I snickered to myself.

And so the list went on and finally she said my name.

Please be someone nice! I prayed in my head

"Sarah and Ashton"

My eyes widened.

Obviously I was shocked. I was grateful though that it wasn't anyone who would be really harsh to me.

Ashton walked lazily out of the crowd that he was hiding in before looking around the classroom. Finally his eyes settled on mine and he sent me a small smile.

I noticed Amanda giving me glares from the corner of my eyes so I just shrank in my seat trying to be invisible.

Ashton walked out from the crowd and towards me. Whilst he was walking he noticed Amanda sending me death glares.

He frowned at her in annoyance. She noticed a pair of eyes on her so she moved her gaze form me to Ashton.

Ashton quickly covered his frown as he looked her up and down smirking. She smirked back in response as she winked at him.

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