Chapter 27: He was even worse than a girl on her period.

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Chapter 27: He was even worse than a girl on her period.

"So this is your bright idea? Going to a party?" I asked scoffing as Blake parked his car next to a gazillion other cars.

"It's where everyone goes to blow off steam and shit," Blake said as he got out of the car.

"Yeah and besides, we haven't been to a party in a while so we might as well make an entrance," Ashton laughed as he held his hand in mine.

"I'm ready to get wasted," Ian spoke as he strolled out of the car.

Ashton tugged my hand as I looked up to see that Blake and Ian were already way ahead.

I smiled at him as we walked a little faster to catch up to them.

I was in a bit more comfortable outfit than last time. I wore a dress again except it was a little more innocent than the last one.

The dress was again strapless but it was a maroon type of colour. I wore some black heels to go with it but I made sure that the heels weren't too high.

As for my hair I decided to whip it all back into a ponytail. My hair had gotten longer now so it was too much havoc to leave it out.

Surprisingly I did wear a bit of makeup however I kept it light. I wore red lipstick and light foundation with some mascara.

"Guys hurry up," Ian screamed as they reached the door.

Ashton said something about wanting to make an entrance by all three of them coming in together.

I felt like I was intruding at this point.

"Finally you two walk so fucking slow," Blake glared.

He was even worse than a girl on her period.

Ashton just rolled his eyes as we entered the house.

The house was quite big from the outside however on the inside it looked really small.

The whole house was packed. All the sofas had been pushed back for space to dance and there was a section for food and drinks and another area for just relaxing.

There was a sign saying that all the bed rooms were available upstairs. Ian sniggered when he saw it but I just mentally threw up.

"Hey guys so glad you could make it," A voice said from behind us.

Blake did this weird head nod with this boy whom I recognised from my English class. He was the schools quarterback- Max. He was your typical jock. Blonde hair and blue eyes.

"So when's the party starting?" Blake laughed jokingly.

Max laughed along before telling the guys to get a drink.

The guys just nodded at him as they left the room and went into the kitchen.

We stayed there for a few minutes talking about random things until Ian went out to get a drink. He said something about wanting to get a real drink not the light stuff.

It was just me Ashton and Blake. Ashton said he wasn't gunna drink tonight cause he didn't want to and Blake just didn't comment on drinking.

"Hey do you wanna dance?" Ashton asked suddenly leaning against the counter table. Blake was too busy on his phone to notice so I nodded my head a took Ashton's hand.

As we were approaching the dance floor someone rushed past Ashton knocking their drink all over him.

"Shit," Ashton cursed.

"Hey Sarah do you mind just going back to the kitchen where Blake is? I need to clean this up and I don't think it's the wisest choice leaving you here," He chuckled. I smiled back before going back into the kitchen.

Guess that dance will have to wait then.

"Oh hey Sarah, where's Ashton? I thought you two went to you know..." He raised his eyebrows weirdly.

I laughed pushing him a little.

"Blake that's disgusting- we just went to dance but someone spilt their drink on Ashton so he went to sort it out," I replied.

Blake just raised his eyebrows as he put his phone into his pocket.

"Look I just want to apologise for before. Honestly I'm never mean to anyone unless they piss me off. It's just..." He trailed off sighing.

"Lisa." I finished for him.

"Pretty much. Ashton tell you what happened?" Blake asked.

"No we don't really talk about it and if we do it's always in riddles," I sighed.

"What happened that was so bad between you and Lisa anyway?" I asked cautiously.

"It wasn't bad- well I don't know if it was bad or not. I'm still trying to work that one out for myself. But in all honesty I broke up with her because I got bored of her- yeah I know that's bad but it's in my nature- anyway so I broke up with her and like a few days or so later she showed up at my house and told me."

"Told you what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"I was so mad at first. So mad at her for not telling me. I blamed it all on her and then I realised that we both had a part to play in it. I just hated admitting it was my fault too. And when I came to terms with what happened I just thought, what kind of a man would put anyone through that? Make them do it all alone? Then I realised that maybe I was so enchanted with the idea of sleeping around- don't give me that look Sarah- that maybe in reality I just thought I was all big and tough- that I was a man, however in reality I'm still just a boy running away from responsibility." Blake went on.

"Responsibly of what?" I asked obviously not going to get an answer.

"I know I should just talk to her about it now, maybe if she didn't do what she did we could make an agreement or something. But what's done is done. Maybe it was for the best."

"Maybe you should just talk to her and tell her all this," I offered.

He didn't reply for a while so we were both just quiet.

"Your right Sarah, maybe I should talk to her. I mean yeah I was just using her but to be honest, I wouldn't wanna end things on a bad note with her." Blake replied.

"Thanks for this Sarah, I can never really talk to Ashton and Ian about this cause they'd never really understand."

"Understand what?" I asked.

"You can't tell anyone this please," Blake begged quietly as he whispered.

I nodded my head.

"Lisa was pregnant with my baby and she aborted it."


So that's what was wrong with Blake. Sorry for the rambling, I just wanted you guys to understand a bit more as to what's going on in Blake's head. Also I just wanted to show that Blake is just like a typical teenager, except he sees things in a different way, like he knows it's wrong but he still does it-


Sorry for any grammar mistakes,


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