Chapter 30: Dylan.

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Chapter 30: Dylan.

I was still concentrating on what was around us.

The blue eyed boy who broke my heart, looking directly at us.


"Hey Ashton?" I asked as we danced along to the next song that played.

Another slow song again- not that I was complaining.

"Yeah princess?" He replied quietly.

"I'm really tired can we stop dancing for a bit please?" I asked looking at him with pleading eyes, still aware of the fact that a pair of blue eyes were watching our every move.

"Yeah of course, sorry," He dropped his hands from my waist and wrapped them around my hand.

"Let's go find Blake," I said quietly.

Ashton nodded as we walked into the kitchen.

There Blake was making out with some random girl.

"Not that he missed us or anything though," Ashton laughed.

I tried laughing back at his attempt of a joke but my mind kept racing back to Dylan.

Why was he here? I thought he moved away?

"Blake!" Ashton screamed jokingly startling Blake and the other girl.

"Not cool," Blake glared at Ashton who was laughing again.

"Shut up," Ashton laughed as he slapped Blake's back as a form of some greeting.

The girl just scoffed at Ashton before walking away.

"Where's Ian?" Blake asked as he took s sip of his drink.

"I dunno. Probably getting laid," Ashton laughed.

I just scrunched my nose at him before looking out into the front room once again meeting those blue eyes which were watching me directly.

Immediately I ran to Ashton's side. He didn't expect me to do that especially since him and Blake were in the middle of talking about something so he wrapped an arm around my waist giving me a weird look. Blake did too.

"What's wrong?" Blake asked chuckling.

"N-n-nothing," I smiled back.

Ashton just rose his eyebrows and Blake just gave me another weird look before saying,

"I think we should find Ian we can't stay here forever in the kitchen,"

"Says you, you've been in here since we got here," Ashton replied.

"Not really, I went out to get a drink and came back with that girl," Blake smirked.

Ashton just rolled his eyes.

"Come on let's go look for Ian,"

We all walked out of the kitchen with me holding Ashton's hand really tightly- I think he noticed because he squeezed my hand reassuringly giving me look saying we were going to 'talk' later.

What was I supposed to say? My ex-boyfriend was at the party and he kept staring at me?

What a lame excuse. Except he wasn't just an ex boyfriend. At the time he had so many other problems going on that I got involved in his problems. I sacrificed so many friendships for him.

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