Chapter 40: Easy tiger. Anyone would think you're into guys now.

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Chapter 40: Easy tiger. Anyone would that you're into guys now.

"Sarah! Come on! We need to revise!" Dylan screamed from the library entrance, startling me and Ashton from our kiss.

"He's been doing that for two weeks now. I swear down if he does that even once more he won't have a mouth to scream out of." Ashton mumbled onto my lips causing me to laugh a little.

"Easy tiger. Anyone would think your into guys now. Anyway how was your exam today?" I asked.

Ashton just playfully glared at me before carrying on,

"Well let's just say I've probably just lost any hope of passing biology." Ashton laughed.

"Ashton.. You've probably done fine. We went over all of it yesterday and you knew it all perfectly."

"Yeah I was just kidding. I think I've aced that exam." Ashton smirked.

"Good. Now try and ace the other exams for me okay?" I smiled pecking his cheek.

"Sarah! We don't have all day! Come on! You can fuck later!" Dylan screamed again from the library entrance.

"Aaaaand that's my cue to go." I sighed kissing Ashton on the cheek one more time.

"Ashton how are you going to get home?" I asked suddenly remembering that Ashton came with me in my car today.

"Don't worry princess. Blake said he'll drop me off home."

I nodded my head before turning on my heel towards the library.

"God you two take so long! You're going to see him later you know." Dylan laughed.

I rolled my eyes smiling,

"Yeah but later is not soon enough."

"Which exam do you have next?" I asked Dylan.


"Ah right. Let's get started." I said furrowing my eyebrows knowing this was going to be a little more than challenging.


"So, now do you understand it?" I asked pointing towards one of the equations.

Dylan nodded his head.

"Are you sure? You still look confused. Look, here- try this one." I said writing down another equation.

"Is the answer 23?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah! Well done! You've finally got it!" I laughed.

"And it just took about 3 hours?!" Dylan looked at his watch.

My eyes widened at that. "What the hell? How did I not realise the time?" I asked myself quickly packing everything up.

"Hey Sarah?" Dylan asked me as I stood up to run to my car.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I think I've missed the bus, so you think you could do me a solid and drop me off home?" Dylan asked awkwardly shifting on his feet.

"Okay fine. Just get in the car." I sighed rolling my eyes after debating with myself.


"Woah! When did you get such a cool car?" Dylan asked as he put his seatbelt on.

"Well since my parents decided that work was more important than their daughter." I said nonchalantly as I reversed out of the car park.

"Anyway, what's your address?" I asked ignoring Dylan raising his eyebrow waiting for me to elaborate on what I said.


After I dropped Dylan off to his house, which was Amanda's house by the way, I quickly speeded home driving.

"Sarah!" Emma emerged from the kitchen holding her arms out for me.

I hugged her back before asking,

"Emma do you know where Ashton is?"

"Ashton? Is he not with you? He went out to go look for you like ten minutes ago. He was very worried because it had already been 3 hours since your tutoring session, nearly 4 so he went out to look for you." Emma finished.

"I'll give him a ring telling him I'm at home." I said getting my phone out.

After three rings he finally picked up.

Ashton: Hey princess, where are you?

Me: I've literally just got home now

Ashton: Alright I'll come home now

Me: ok, but where are you?

Ashton: School library. Surprisingly it's still not shut. Anyway the librarian said you left an hour ago with Dylan.

Me: Yeah, about that. We finished tutoring late because I was teaching Dylan maths, and when I was going to go home he asked for a ride cause he didn't have one so I said okay and I didn't realise that he lived so far away so it took an hour to drop him home.

Ashton: Oh alright princess. See you in ten. Love you.

Me: Love you too- wait.

Ashton: Yes?

Me: Did you do any revision whilst I was gone?

Ashton: Yup I did maths and I started revising for chemistry.

Me: Good boy. I'll see you in a bit. Bye.

Ashton: Bye.

I hung up my phone looking towards Emma who was looking at me with an expectant look on her face.

"Ashton said he's coming home." I smiled at her.

Emma just nodded her head still looking at me.

"Was there anything else?" I asked confused.

"No nothing like that. It's just this Dylan kid knew he lived far away yet he still made you go through the trouble of dropping him off home so far away. In the nicest way possible, I'm sure he could have rang someone to pick him up." Emma finished before walking up the stairs leaving me wondering.

I'm not trying to make it out like everything Dylan does and breathes is one big conspiracy, but Emma did have a point. It was not necessary for me to be the one to drop Dylan off to his house which was so far and by the looks of the cars in his driveway, Amanda's bright pink car was there and his step mum's car too so one of them could have picked Dylan up.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I sighed walking into the front room waiting for Ashton to come home.

It was my fault he went out of the house to look for me so I might as well wait for him too.

Sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes,


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