Chapter 28: He was hurting

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Chapter 28: He was hurting.

"Understand what?" I asked.

"You can't tell anyone this please," Blake begged quietly as he whispered.

I nodded my head.

"Lisa was pregnant with my baby and she aborted it."

"Your baby? Are you sure?!" I asked after a few minutes of opening my mouth then closing it.

Blake sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah she said that she hadn't been with another guy besides me at that time so it had to be me."

"Did she tell you she was aborting it or...?" I asked not even hiding my shock.

"No she said she was going to tell me but then I broke up with her and she was scared as to what her parents would say and she was scared as to how it would affect her college life as well," Blake replied.

"So that's it? She aborted it and told you after she did it?" I asked appalled.

"No it wasn't like that I already explained that, I guess she was just scared after everything that's happened. And anyway, aborting a baby isn't a secret that a person can keep forever so I guess she just thought that she could be able to keep that a secret but eventually couldn't."

I didn't reply after that. I was too caught up in the fact that Lisa aborted a baby. I understand that she was scared about what would happen after that but still she ended a baby's life for the sake of her own?

"I know what your thinking Sarah, and no it wasn't all Lisa's fault. I was like you when I found out but I was way worse. Then I came to terms with it." Blake said.

"But she aborted your baby and didn't tell you!" I whispered screaming.

"Yeah but it's not all Lisa's fault. Am I still mad at what happened? Yes. Can I turn back the clocks? No. Look, just don't be so harsh on her. You've met Lisa right?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, once..." I trailed off.

"Yeah and that one time you met her did she leave an impression on you that she would ever abort a baby? Did she leave that impression on you Sarah?" Blake asked.

"Well no because I don't think aborting a baby was ever really a topic any of us talked about when I met her," I rolled my eyes.

"You have a point. Okay let me rephrase that. When you met her did she ever leave the impression on you that she only cared about herself?"

I shook my head no.

"Exactly. So imagine how much thought she would have put into that decision just to come up with the conclusion of aborting the baby. Imagine how hard it must have been for her to go through all of that on her own." Blake replied disappointedly.

"Look I just want to show my point across. It's both our faults. I reckon it's more mine than hers. Like I said before I act like I'm so hard and mighty but when push comes to shove, I run away and turn into a boy again. No man would make a woman go through that," He carried on.

"But she could have told you." I whispered.

I know I was just fighting a lost cause now. I was wrong. Blake was right. Lisa must have put a lot of thought into her decision and its must have been hard to sit through it all. Moreover, it's both their faults.

"She was scared Sarah," Blake whispered back ever so slightly.

A few more minutes had gone by and we just sat their in silence. The music from the following room blaring through. Which reminded me as to where Ashton had gotten too.

Blake was just staring into space in deep thought.

"Maybe if she kept the baby, we could have had turns as to when who would look after it. And maybe we would have named it as well," He said after a while.

I decided not to reply because his tears were rolling down his face.

He was hurting.


Hey guys, short chapter I know but I really wanted to explain the whole Blake situation properly because I just thought it was necessary. Let me know your thoughts on that please.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes.


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