Chapter 5: 3 weeks later:

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Chapter 5-

3 weeks later:

"Sarah! Wake up your going to be late!" A voice screamed for me to wake up. Maybe if I ignore it, the voice will go away.

I turned in my bed sheets once again ignoring the voice.

"Oh look- a diary," As soon as them words left the person's mouth my eyes shot open and to my desk where my diary was.

There Ashton was sat reading my diary. Anger flew up inside of me as I lunged for him but ended up just falling to the ground.

I quickly got up as I approached Ashton and started punching his arm. Hard.

"Ow! Okay you can have it back now." Ashton laughed returningy diary.

Obviously I was mad but I just ended up laughing it off. If I show him how mad I was he would think there was actually something in there.

There was. I just didn't want him to see it. No one. It was like an unopened chapter in my life. One that was never opened or didn't need to be dug up.

"Okay, okay,I'm sorry princess. You need to get ready for school now. Vanessas gonna hog the bathroom as soon as I wake her up," Ashton smirked.

As soon as he said that I ran to my closest picking a random hoodie and leggings with some fresh undergarments running into the bathroom but not before ushering Ashton to get out so I could hide my diary somewhere. Under my mattress.

Once I finished in the bathroom I opened the door and saw Vanessa waiting patiently. I greeted her and ran to my room whipping my hair into a pony so it wouldn't bother me.

I came downstairs to the lovely smell of bacon burning. I guess that's because Ashton was cooking. Wait- what?!

"Ashton! What are you doing? Where's Emma?" I screamed startling him.

"Oh umm I'm cooking and mum is sleeping. She's started working a lot more these days so I let her sleep in. It's her day off today that's why," Ashton replied still focused on the bacon that was burning. Quite clearly he didn't see that.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I approached Ashton taking the pan in my hands and chucking the burnt bacon in the bin.

"I'll cook. You just do as I say," I laughed jokingly but in reality I meant it.

By the time we finished vanessa came down without greeting anybody and quickly threw her food in her mouth and went back upstairs but came back with her bag waiting for us in the hallway.

I looked at Ashton and he just shrugged his shoulders then walking back up the stairs.

I placed the dirty dishes in the sink washing and drying them and then leaving a note for Emma telling her that we've all gone school.

Now that I think about it, Vanessa's been acting really down recently. She doesn't really argue with Ashton a lot anymore nor does she talk to her mum properly. Now that I think about it she's socializing less and less with all of us.

"Hey Sarah come on, we're getting late," Ashton boomed.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran out of the house. I've been going to school with Ashton and Vanessa more because my truck is in need of a bit of repair so its in the garage for the next couple months. Yeah I say months because its just that broken down.

When we got to school everyone gave their usual glares as we all piled put the car. As usual Vanessa would accompany me to my locker and Ashton would leave to see his friends.

"Hey you okay Vanessa? Its just you seem a bit down recently," I asked Vanessa as I closedy locker to look at her.

She sighed walking away whilst saying "It's just complicated,"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I watched her walk away.

I wonder what's wrong with her.

The day went by in a flash. Well the majority of it. Nothing interesting really happened. Well I say this because it was school. I mean the lessons. Now it was lunchtime. I was currently sitting at the usual table which me and Vanessa eat at waiting for her to come.

Vanessa came through the canteen doors and sat down next to me.

"What's wrong Vanessa?" I asked again.

She sighed closing her eyes and then opening them again with tears in her bright blue eyes.

"Caleb's been cheating on me," Vanessa whispered.

"He said it started a couple of months before I left. It was with jade-the head cheerleader and well he said it started out as fun because he got 'bored' but then eventually he started to have feelings for her. Caleb said that he wanted to tell me as soon as he realised but didn't know how or what to say." She sobbed out the last words as I hugged her comforting her.

I looked around the canteen to see a few eyes on us but then I saw a pair of emerald eyes watching us.

Ashton marched over to our table

"What happened? Why is she crying?" Ashton demanded with anger and protectiveness floating around in his eyes. Behind him was Blake and Ian already ready to punch whoever it is that needs to be.

Vanessa broke out of the hug and wiped her tears and broke put of the hug walking over to Ashton.

"Ashton its fine, come on I'm fine." Vanessa laughed but sadness could be heard in her voice.

Ashton clenched his jaw and once again repeated looking at me

"Why was Vanessa crying?"

I probably looked like a deer with headlights cause I was suprised to see him reacting like this.

Ashton's eyes softened a little but then Vanessa said

"Ashton leave her. She hasn't done anything. Come on your causing a scene."

Ashton sighed and said

"I just want to know why you were crying,"

Vanessa shook her head and said

"Ashton I'm fine! Go on- take your hitmen and go finish your lunch!" Vanessa laughed.

Ashton chuckled walking away with Blake and Ian following him.

Vanessa sighed before sitting back down and saying

"Sorry about that. Ashton has always had a protective side and so he gets angry easily. Sorry if he scared you, Sarah."

"Its fine," I smiled.

She smiled back before looking into space with tears once again threatening to spill.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and said

"I know that right now it feels as though its the end of the world, but honestly its not. Don't worry things will get better soon,"

She turned around and looked at me

"You seem like your talking from experience,"

I smiled at her before looking into space

"You know I love you Sarah, I always have and always will."

He stepped closer to me trying to put his hand on my cheek but I flinched away.

"Come on Sarah, it was one slip-up. I love you. Don't be like this."

I stepped away from him and said

"Dylan, you and I both know that the feelings that you seem to be giving great importance to is nonexistence. Otherwise if it was you would have not toyed with my feelings like that and you would not have-"

"Sarah?" Vanessa laughed bringing me out of my daze. "Come on, the bells gone."

I smiled at her before walking with her to class. The last lesson I had today was history. Not a subject I particularly enjoy but like all the other subjects, I was doing really well in it.

I waved goodbye to Vanessa and went inside the classroom right to the back and waited for the teacher to come in.

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