Chapter 23: I felt a space rocket being launched into space.

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Chapter 23: I felt a space rocket being launched into space.

We came home as soon as we paid the bill.

Emma was trying to be discreet with her flirting, but honestly she was flirting up a storm whenever Kyle came to our table.

When she did, I noticed Ashton- no not in the way your thinking.

I mean, I noticed how the smile on his face would lighten up at the sound of his mum's laughter.

Don't worry, I'm not having one of those 'Late night thought moment' or whatever it's called, honestly it's just that I'm not really tired.

I don't even know why to be honest seeing as though I haven't been sleeping as much as I used to.

Sighing I decided to get up from my bed and go downstairs to have a little snack.

I know I know, we already ate a lot at the restaurant but still I was hungry.

Surprisingly when I went in the kitchen, Ashton was there.

Does he have to be everywhere?

"Great minds think alike," Ashton laughed.

I laughed back as I swing the refrigerator door open looking for something to eat.

"So that was something huh?" Ashton spoke from behind me, his eyes shining through the dark.

"Hmm?" I asked trying not to be affected by how close we were.

"At the restaurant? With my mum?" Ashton laughed.

I laughed too leaning on the counter table.

"Oh yeah,"

"I just want to thank you," Ashton said as he copied my action.

"For what?"

"Well for giving my mum that little pep talk," Ashton nudged my shoulder laughing lightly.

"It was nothing." I laughed.

"Yeah it was. To you it may have been small but to me that meant everything," Ashton whispered locking eyes with mine.

I looked up meeting his eyes, once again enchanted by them.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back feeling nervous suddenly.

He looked down leaning against the counter again.

"Well let's just say my mum hasn't had the easiest life."

I decided not to be nosy and ask what he mean by it.

"Well I just thought that when you meet someone, the very few lucky ones actually feel that spark. I think Emma felt that. That feeling can make you change your perspective of the world, see things in a different way. However some people cant feel that spark when you first meet but in due time, you feel sparks- fireworks even. Kinda like our first kiss." I blurted out immediately regretting it.

I looked up and saw him looking at me. A mix of different emotions rushing through his face.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything," I said walking out of the kitchen.

"No! Wait," I heard Ashton say trying to catch me. Luckily he didn't because I was already in my room.

I switched my phone on to check if I had any messages.

1 new message.

From: Mum:

Hello darling! How are you? Settled into Emma's okay? Heard you finally got your car! Did you like it? Miss you lots xx mum and dad.

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