Chapter 15: She can help you get the girl.

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Chapter 15: She can help you get the girl.

It was way past lunch time. And Vanessa said she'd be home for lunch. Emma had asked me if Vanessa had texted if she was staying over another day at her friend's house but I just told her that I didn't know.

So that meant another awkward lunch with me, Ashton and Emma.

Did I mention that Emma was still hell bent on the fact that she thinks me and Ashton 'did the deed' yesterday?

Well that's how she put it when Ashton finally asked her why she kept looking at me and him like that.

She just simply put it like

"You two did the deed, that's why,"

That answer resulted in me nearly chocking on my food and Ashton turning pink.

This time whilst I recovered from my near choking experience, Ashton tried to explain to her that what she thought was false but that resulted in Emma talking about how shy Ashton is.

When she settled down and finally stopped looking at us like that she asked her next question

"So when are you two going to make it official? You know boyfriend and girlfriend?"

I immediately flushed red whilst Ashton said

"Mum! Nothing even happened! Your even worse than the gossipers at school!"

Emma just tutted in response murmuring about our shyness before quickly telling us to clean up whilst she went to the shops.

I doubt the shops is upstairs cause that's where she went.

When we finished eating I told Ashton that he could do whatever whilst I cleaned up but of course he refused and told me that I could do whatever whilst he cleaned up to which obviously I refused.

"So next time when I sleep in your room remind me to lock it," He laughed breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Next time?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah obviously," he said in a duh-tone.

I rolled my eyes as I left the kitchen seeing as though we finished the dishes and walked up the stairs into my room to see my phone going off.

I answered it almost immediately when I saw the caller ID was Vanessa

Me: Hey where are you?
Vanessa: Hi Sarah I need you to do me a favour please
I sighed knowing I didn't have a choice. Me: Yeah sure, what?
Vanessa: Can you cover for me until tomorrow? I'm at one of my friends house from my old school and well her and Ashton don't really get on well so yeah.
Me: ugh fine. Promise you'll be home for tomorrow though? Cause You told me you'd me home for lunch but you weren't and its past dinner!
Vanessa: Please Sarah, I promise I'll be home for tomorrow
Me: Are you sure?
Vanessa: Yes I'm sure. And anyway tomorrow's school, I wouldn't leave you
I rolled my eyes saying
Me: so will you come home before school or will I see you at school?
Vanessa: I'll come home before anyone wakes up
I just sighed saying goodbye and then I hung up.

Before I put my phone back on the bedside table my phone pinged and I opened the message to see it was a text from Ashton.

From: Ashton:
Hey princess, so what you doing?;)x

I rolled my eyes replying

Aren't we in the same house? You can come speak to me you know, I won't eat you.

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