Chapter 45: Epilogue

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Chapter 45: Epilogue

"A trip to the park?" I asked as Ashton sat down on a swing and motioned for me to sit down too.

"Why not? No one will come here. It's been abandoned for years." Ashton shrugged.

"We're going to need to go back soon. Mums probably waiting." I said shivering a little at the breeze the flew past.

"And we have about 45 minutes till then. Come on have some fun!" Ashton sighed looking up to the sky.

After graduation we both decided to go for a drive until finally we came to a park in the middle on no where.

"I am! I just don't particularly like the idea of a swing set collapsing on me." I rolled my eyes sticking my tongue out at him childishly.

"Fine be like that." He retorted back just as childish as me.

We both sat in silence for a while just looking up and enjoying the stars.

"I feel like there's a lot more stars out tonight then any other night." I said finally.

"Yes there definitely is." Ashton looked towards me.

"I wanted to give you for a while now but the timing was just never right. So here it is." Ashton said pulling something out of his pocket.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

"Well basically I know we've only been together for 4 months but I just thought now is the right time to share this with you. A while ago I told you that I believe everything happens for a reason. And I still do believe that. And well I don't know how to say this, I'm probably making a right ass of myself..." Ashton rambled on running a hand through his hair.

I reached forward and held his other hand squeezing it in reassurance.

"It's okay." I smiled at him.

"Well with our 'break up' I guess I realised a few things about what my dad had told me once. He said that well when I fall in love I'll know. And that'll be because of her smile, the way she laughs, the way she looks at me and the way she just is in general. And as soppy as it sounds I know I've said this before but with everything that happened this week I think I really felt it. Like I actually realised how much you mean to me. And how much of an impact you've had on my life.

Before you I was with someone who I didn't even love and I'd cheat on her numerous times whilst still liking another girl. Plot twist I know I didn't ever speak to you back then but that girl was you.

And before you I wouldn't even want to think about my dad cause it'd hurt me too much. But when I spoke to you that night about my dad you made me realise that even though it did hurt there was still a side to it all that was so amazing. You made me see that my father's death wasn't some cruel horrible death. As cynical as it sounds in a way it was so full of adrenaline and emotion that it was peaceful.

And you made me understand that everything in my life was just part of a bigger picture. Right now I know we've only completed half the picture. And maybe one day we'll be able to complete the full picture. I'm rambling I know but my point is you made me see my life in a more positive way. And I just hope and pray to god that you are apart of my life until the day I die.

And as cheesy as it sounds, one of my biggest fears is me having to live without you or you having to live without me. And well that's something neither of us are going to be able to stop but until then I just want you to know that I want you to be mine forever and for me to be yours. I know I'm not exactly the cleverest guy out there to match your incredibly high IQ or the most handsome guy to match your beauty or the most nicest to match your kindness but I'm me. I'm laying out my heart here so I hope I'm enough. And well if I'm not I hope you find someone who is." Ashton finished off wiping some tear away from my eyes. I didn't even realise I was crying.

"Ashton you're everything I ever want. I don't ever think I'll ever be able to find anyone who's as loving, as funny or as amazing as you are. And quite frankly I don't want to. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. And look I know that we may not always be on the same page. But I guess that is what will strengthen our relationship to something which knows no boundaries. I love you so much Ashton and you're always going to own my heart. There's no one that'll ever be able to come in between us." I finished kissing him lightly.

"Well I guess knows a good time to give you this." He finally showed me what he was hiding in his hand.

A ring.

I looked at him confused again.

"No I'm not asking you to marry me but this is a promise ring. A promise that we will both love each other no matter what."

I smiled at him still incredibly in awe of the fact that somehow I was destined to have such an amazing person be sent to me.

"I promise you Ashton. I promise you a thousand times over that I'll love you forever."

He smiled back at me whilst putting the ring on.

"A perfect fit." He whispered before joining our lips together.

The kiss was full of passion and love. Just as he was about to deepen our kiss a raindrop fell on us. We broke apart for a second looking up at the clouds seeing how slowly light raindrops began to fall.

"I love you so much." Ashton smiled at me.

"I love you too." I said leaning forward once more to kiss him.

I smiled through the kiss in realisation that I had finally found my prince. One who loved me just about as much as I loved him. My fairytale may not have been a normal Cinderella fairytale. And we both may still have a long while to go but for know what was enough was we knew clearly how we felt for each other and how we knew our relationship was still blossoming. It was blossoming into something so incredibly beautiful.

And yes we did know that falling so deeply in love with someone may have had consequences but it's like what Ashton said to me once,

"Make sure the choices you choose that have consequences are all for good causes."

And we both knew that our relationship was and still is for a good cause.

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