Chapter 26: I feel more butterflies errupting

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Chapter 26: I feel more butterflies errupting

"Sarah? wake up," I heard a voice say as a hand shook me slightly to wake up.

I nodded my head pulling my pillow closer towards me.

It was a very..tough pillow you could say.

"Ashton wake up," I heard the same voice say.

My eyes shot open.

Why on earth did she say Ashton?

And that's when it all came back to me. A smile found its way to my face as I looked up to see Ashton sleeping peacefully. The 'tough' pillow I was on about was his chest.

My head was on his chest.

"For the record Ashton, Sarah is literally just watching your face smiling to herself,"

What the heck?

I sat up and looked towards Vanessa was stood there with her arms crossed.

I guess we fell asleep.

"Mum's going to come home and it's a mess in here," Vanessa appallingly looked around the room.

"I mean it's so dark in here. If you wanted to have sex you could have done it in your room not all over the sofa," Vanessa looked as if she was going to do sick.

"Chill out we didn't do anything," Ashton spoke as he sat up next to me.

Vanessa snorted.

"Just clean up in here please before mum comes back and I might just not tell her about your little session." Vanessa glared at Ashton before walking away.

"God my sister can be such a bitch at times. She doesn't understand anything yet here she is assuming things." Ashton laughed.

I got up making a move to clean everything up.

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked as I got up.

"Cleaning up," I said in a duh tone.

"Here let me help," Ashton said getting up.

"No it's fine I made the mess not you," I laughed.

"Seriously Sarah it's fine, I can clean up," Ashton laughed.

I didn't say anything after that and we both just cleaned up quietly.

When we finished cleaning Emma had come home and started gushing over her date with Kyle.

They went dancing.

She made their date seem so magical.

Ashton went upstairs after hearing the first five seconds of it. Something about being too girly. Vanessa however came downstairs to listen.

She avoided sitting on the main sofa which me and Emma were sat on.

She assumes a lot.

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