Chapter 36: Is he forgiven?

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Chapter 36: Is he forgiven?

"Hey guys," Vanessa smiled happily as she sat down on our table at lunch.

"What's got you so happy?" Ian laughed as he took a bite of his burger.

Vanessa laughed sarcastically.

"So a girl can't be happy?"

"If that girl is you then no," Ian glared sticking his tongue out childishly.

"Ew Ian you can flirt with my sister later but for now let the rest of us eat," Ashton spoke up.

Vanessa and Ian just scrunched her face up in disgust.

"Ashton that's so disgusting! I think of Vanessa more of a sister!"

Ashton just rolled his eyes before turning his attention towards me.

"So princess, care to accompany me to a restaurant tonight at 8?" He spoke in a posh accent.

I laughed at his childishness before replying,

"Hmm I'd have to check if my schedule is clear,"

Ashton rolled his eyes smiling.

"You say that every time I ask you out on a date,"

"Well then your lucky my schedules clear when you ask," I smirk at him.

"Guys I think we've all established that Sarah and Ashton are going on a date tonight!" Blake laughed rolling his eyes as he sat down.

"And that also happens every time Sarah and Ashton go on a date." Ian smirked.

Ashton just rolled his eyes before looking towards Vanessa.

"So what has got you so happy?"

"I already said. Can't a girl be happy?" She laughed shyly glancing down.

"Hold on Ash. I think it's about a guy. What's his name?" Blake asked eagerly.

"It doesn't have anything to do with anyone!" Vanessa laughed, her cheeks turning pink as she smiled.

"Mhmm. She's got one of them 'I think I'm in love' smiles," Blake smirked.

"Is it just me or does Blake think every girl that smiles has a 'I think I'm in love' smile?" I laughed furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah pretty much." Blake laughed winking.

Ashton laughed at Blake before asking,

"So Vanessa, what's his name?"

"His name is none-of-your-business," Vanessa glared playfully at her brother.

"Tell meeee!"" Ashton wined like a child.

"No you'll probably scare him off," Vanessa rolled her eyes at him before stealing Ian's food.

"Hey!" Ian screamed ripping his attention away from his phone before taking his food back.

"I promise I won't 'scare him off 'as you seem to call it." Ashton said holding his hands up defensively.

"Hmm let me think about it... No!" Vanessa laughed as stole another of Ian's food.

Ashton looked like he was about to say something but before he could Vanessa's phone went off.

Because Vanessa decided to be smart and just leave her phone on the table, before she could pick it up to answer Ashton quickly snatched it.

He looked at the caller ID and smirked.

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