Chapter 4- Friends?

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Chapter 4- Friends?

"Where'd you think you're your going?"

I turned around to see the slag standing there herself glaring at me. Amanda carried on talking once she realized i wasn't going to reply to her.

"Care to tell me as to why MY boyfriend keeps staring at you?" I scrunched my forehead in confusion at her.

"What are you on about?" I asked confused. Amanda rolled her eyes carrying on talking in her high pitched voice.

"Listen here nerd, don't think i don't notice the little things you do to get Ashton's attention. For starters how you purposely bumped into him the other day to get him to notice you and how you always stare at him and act all goody-goody. Stay away from Ashton. He's mine. Everyone knows that. if i have to remind you of that again then- well let's just say i'll make you go home crying everyday and crying yourself to sleep every night for the rest of your life. So stay the heck away from Ashton. Kay? Great. Nice talking to you Nerd."

Amanda smiled viciously before walking away to her table on Ashton's lap. I looked at Ashton who was still looking at me with confusion and regret in his eyes. i quickly averted my eyes when Amanda looked at me glaring.

Almost immediately i ran out the cafeteria and to the library. The one place i actually feel safe in. i closed my eyes leaning on the wall of the libary breathing heavily.


The bell rang for the end of the day. the last lesson was finished and so everyone was free for the rest of the day. Vanessa wanted to take me shopping today but that would mean going home to face Ashton which i wasn't ready for.

And so i took my truck and drove swiftly out of the school parking lot deciding to go for a drive. it was one of them go out for a long drive and get lost on the road to get away from everything moments. Luckily the sun was shining brighter than ever so i didnt have to matter about the trunk getting wet.

After of about 10 mintues of driving my phone went off. Looking at the caller ID it was Ashton. Quickly rejecting it i carried on driving for the next hour. Deciding i was hungry i started looking for a diner to eat in. Finally finding one i turned into the driveway parking my truck in the parking lot.

As soon as i walked in the atmosphere hit me. it was a very cheerful happy atmosphere. A family friendly one. After i found a booth i sat down and as soon as a did i waitress came to serve me.

she looked around mid-40's with slight grey hairs showing and wrinkles forming. Her name tag read Ella.

"Hi sweetpea. I'm ella. What can i get ya?" She spoke in a cheerful voice.

After looking at the menu i ordered a cheese burger with a glass of coke. Diet to be exact.

Once the food came I quickly scoffed it down. I didn't even realize how hungry I was! After I ate Ella came back and asked if I wanted desert. To full to even have another spoonful I kindly rejected asking for the bill.

Once the bill came I paid for the food and came back to my truck. I've been around here before. By the time I came out of the diner it was starting to become dark. The area itself was pretty friendly so I didn't have to worry about being raped in the dead of the night in an alleyway or a murderer coming to get me.

I came inside my car again to my phone buzzing.

23 missedcalls:

Ashton(: - 20

Unknown - 3

Wow I feel popular. I snorted aloud. Just as I was about to put my phone away and start driving home again my phone rings off.

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