Chapter 8- What is wrong with me?

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Chapter 8: What is wrong with me?

"Your back," I smiled turning around.

Ashton smiled lazily at me as he shut the front door.

"Is mum home?" Ashton spoke whispering.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked down the stairs getting closer to him.

"No she's gone to bed," I replied just as I set my eyes firmly on his face. I gasped at what I saw. Ashton's face was all covered in bruises, his nose dripping blood.

"Oh my god Ashton! Are you okay?" I practically screamed already pulling him into the front room to tend to his bleed.

"I'm fine princess, just a few cuts," Ashton said leaning back on the sofa.

I scoffed turning around after finally finding the first aid kit.

"Shut up and come here." I glared at him getting a wet wipe starting to clean his face up.

"I thought you just had a nosebleed. Not bruises." I creased my forehead.

"Yeah I guess Caleb really does not like getting beaten up." Ashton replied trying to make a joke.

"It's not funny Ashton, I was practically running around everywhere like a mad women. Do you know how crazy I was acting?" I hissed at him.

"Do you know how crazy you make me?" Ashton replied smiling.

Wait. Did he just say that? I froze completely trying to comprehend what he just said. It's late so I'm probably just imagining all of this. That's probably it.

"Anyway my point is next time I tell you something do not go running out of the house beating people up. You see the outcome? Me going crazy and you getting beaten up. Understood?" I rose an eyebrow speaking with a strict tone.

"Yes mother," Ashton smirked.

"Oh and another thing, your lucky I didn't go telling Emma about your little stunt. If I did she probably would have done this to your face and not Caleb,"

Ashton rolled his eyes at my ranting as I carried on cleaning his face.

"Princess, I'm okay you don't need to worry now. I promise you from now on I won't let you find out when I beat people up. Okay?" Ashton smiled showing me his dimple.

I fought off a smile but eventually gave in nodding my head at what he said.

I finished cleaning up Ashton's bruised face and said "I think you'll live. You'll just have a few bruises for a few weeks. " I smiled at him.

He smiled back and said "Thanks for today by the way,"

I furrowed my eyebrows thinking about what I did to make the day good. Nothing in particular. Just got Caleb and Ashton both beaten up. I don't think that's good.

As I was thinking I didn't realise when Ashton started leaning in and kissed my cheek softly.

"Goodnight princess," Ashton whispered before disappearing out out of the room.

What just happened?

I touched my cheek smiling to myself as I cleaned up the mess.

When I finally finished cleaning I made my way quietly to my room changing into my pyjamas and makes my way to my bed.

I thought back to today and how crazy I was going to look for Ashton. Just the thought of him reminded me of today and brought a smile to my face.

What is wrong with me?

I asked myself as I closed my eyes pulling the comforter closer towards me.


Whoop whoop! Another chapter!! Love this one!!

Anywayyy tell me what you think vote comment pm me let me know you think

Thank you


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