Chapter 22: Okay then

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Chapter 22: Okay then

We came home about an hour after we found my dress.

I thought it was a little too much just for a meal out but that was until Vanessa picked her dress.

Honestly no offence to her, but her dress looked a little- well to put it into simple terms her dress could pass as a top.

I was surprised Emma didn't say anything to her about it. In fact she didn't even bat an eyelash. She literally just swiped her credit card.

Mine however was a little bit different.

Thank goodness it was a lot longer than Vanessa's dress.

My dress was mint coloured dress which was short from the front and long from the back. It was a beautiful strapless dress and the dress itself there were little, beautiful, patterned designs all along the dress.

Emma said the dress looked like it was made for me. Obviously she was probably exaggerating but I did have to admit- the dress did look kind of nice on me.

"Sarah we need to get ready now, reservations are at 8!" Vanessa screamed quickly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Come on! I need to do your hair and make up!" Vanessa screamed again grabbing my arm and pulling me into her room.

I barely had time to respond to anything as she put make up on my face and did weird things with my hair.

When she was finally done she told me to get my dress on and look in the mirror as she got ready.

I could recognise myself this time.

It wasn't like last time where I could barely recognise myself.

Vanessa kept my make up light- she said something about natural beauty. For my hair she had curled it and left it out.

The dress was beautiful. Honestly I did look good but I think that was mainly down to the dress. It flowed elegantly with every step I took.

I'm probably just overdoing it now but I felt like a princess.

I decided to just wear flats seeing as though no one was really ever going to inspect my feet and what shoes I'm wearing.

By the time I finally finished observing myself, Vanessa was done too.

Her blonde hair was up into a pony tail and her makeup was heavier than mine. Her dress was a blue cocktail dress that hugged her figure perfectly.

I hated the dress but honestly, she did look beautiful.

"We look good," Vanessa grinned at me.

I grinned back at her before rushing into my room and grabbing my phone.

Surprisingly, yes I did have messages.

It was from the guys- Ashton Blake and Ian.

They were talking about something that happened to a party they went to or something. Apparently there was a huge fight.

I didn't really read much of them so I just skipped down to the recent ones.

Ian: Ashton! Blake is being mean!

Ashton: And I'm supposed to do what exactly?

Blake: Shut up Ian. Your irritating me now.

Ian: Well it's not my fault you won't be a man and do it. And you say Ashton is a pussy for not telling you-know-who.

Blake: I know. I know.

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