Chapter 12: Is he actually blushing?

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Chapter 12: Is he actually blushing?

Ever since I realised my feelings I've tried avoiding him. When I saw him I turned the other way in school on the corridor. In class I always try to sit furthest away from him, but when he sits next to me I tend to avoid him as much as possible.

I didn't need a repeat of what happened with..Dylan.

It still hurts to even say his name let alone talking about it.

Dylan was the boy who cheated on me, the boy who claimed to love me but never, the boy who only dated me for a dare. The boy who later on needed me.

I shook my head getting rid of the thoughts of him and focused on the t.v watching the movie which was currently playing.

Taking another handful of popcorn I shoved it into my mouth watching she's the man and a very shirtless Channing Tatum.

Hey, don't judge me. I mean I may be a nerd but I'm still a girl!

Just as I was finally focusing on the movie once more, the door was slammed open to the sound of laughing and talking.

They were all boy's voices, one of them quite familiar but the other two not so much.

I paused the movie and walked into the hallway to see Ashton stood talking to who I thought was Blake and Ian.

As if he noticed my presence, he stopped talking to his friends and looked towards me smiling.

"Hey there stranger," He laughed causing Blake and Ian to look at me.

I smiled at him before looking at who I thought was Blake and Ian questioningly.

Ashton cleared his throat signalling for the two boys to introduce themselves.

"I'm Blake," A deep masculine voice spoke. I looked at him and was instantly enchanted by his deep blue eyes. His black hair and tone of voice gave off a very mysterious vibe. He was wearing a leather jacket with a dark blue shirt making his eyes stay out and a pair of jeans with some converse. Overall he looked good. Not as good as Ashton but still incredibly good looking.

The person next to him cleared his throat gaining my attention before introducing himself.

"And I'm Ian," He smiled. Ian was slightly less good looking but was still incredibly cute with his dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt and some jeans.

"You are?" Blake asked with a slight smirk on his face glancing towards Ashton.

"S-s-sarah," I stuttered back trying to keep a smile on my face.

Ian instantly broke out into a smile opening his arms and giving me a big hug.

I looked towards Ashton confusingly who just shrugged his shoulders with amusement.

When Ian finally finished hugging me before I could say anything Blake interrupted. Rather enthusiastically I might add.

"Sarah? You mean the Sarah? The one Ashton can't stop talking about?!"

I just rose my eyebrows confused.

I heard Ashton groaning in embarrassment face palming himself.

"You guys are so embarrassing," he laughed his face turning a light shade of pink.

"Is he blushing? Yo Blake is the guy actually blushing?!" Ian laughed in disbelief.

I laughed out loud at their teasing gaining Blake's attention.

"Your right Ashton, she really does have a nice laugh,"

"Thanks?" I laughed awkwardly as Ashton rolled his eyes glaring at Blake who was smirking.

Well it was nice meeting you guys but I'm just going to go," I said awkwardly as I walked back into the living room trying to finish watching movie.

"Nonsense! We'd like to get to know you," Ian smirked as he entered the living room but was stopped by Ashton who poked his head through the door.

"We don't want to intrude on your movie, it's fine," Ashton laughed.

I laughed back before he asked

"Oh and where's Vanessa? Is she in her room?"

"No, she said she was going out with some friends or something." Ashton nodded his head as he turned his attention towards the boys.

I heard him saying

"I'd doubt you two would want to sit through a chick flick,"

I heard Blake and Ian make gagging sounds an I laughed at their immaturity .

Ashton poked his head round the corner saying

"We're going to go up to my room so let me know if you need anything,"

I nodded my head as he turned on his heel walking up the stairs following Blake and Ian.

I turned my attention back towards the movie.

Once the movie was finally finished I decided to go to my room and have a little nap seeing as though I'd already completed everything on my agenda.

Wake up. Shower. Eat. Do homework. Eat. Do extra work for school. Read a book. Watch t.v.

I really should get a better social life now that I think about it.

Shrugging I walked up the stairs and was about to walk into my room when I heard voices talking from Ashton's room.

It wouldn't hurt just to listen in a little bit on their conversation.

I laughed evilly in my head as I moved a little closer to hear the voices more clearly.

"Dude, just tell her you like her already. It's pretty damn obvious you do," I heard Blake laugh

"It's not that simple. I mean to start off I barely know anything about her. Like her favourite colour, her favourite food, her favourite movie and shit like that," Ashton replied.

"Come on, when were you to ever care about what a girl likes?" Ian laughed along with Blake.

"Yeah man, usually it's just hey and then you bang her already," Blake spoke but I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Yeah but it's different this time," I could hear the anger laced in Ashton's voice.

"What about with Amanda? You two were dating for ages but you didn't even care about any of her interests. How is it different?" Ian asked.

"I dunno it just is. And anyway with Amanda it was just literally a quick fuck and then I'd try my best to ignore her for the rest of the time. Dating was just the mere title." I could hear Ashton smirking.

"Dude." Blake spoke seriously.

"That's hilarious," Blake laughed aloud.

"So was she good?" I heard Ian asking.

I stopped listening from there and went to my room, sitting on my bed taking in the information I just found out.

Ashton liked someone and he didn't want this relationship to be like the one he had with Amanda.

But the question was, who though?


Hey guys!!

This is a little something I've been wanting to put in for like the last five chapters. But I finally have!!

Who do you like better? Ian or Blake?

Sorry for any punctuation grammar mistakes

Thanks for reading,


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