Chapter 13: Dude you are so whipped right now

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Chapter 13: Dude you are so whipped right now

Never in a million years did I ever think that I, Sarah Pearce would be at a party.

Usually I just sit at home and watch t.v and work but this was a different story.

After I decided to finally come out of my room I came downstairs and saw Vanessa.

She looked like she was in a hurry and when I asked her where she was going, she made me promise not to tell anyone.

She told me she was going to a party and I don't know what came over me, I instantly asked her if I could accompany her to which she obviously was shocked about but nonetheless she accepted.

When the shock died down Vanessa told me that I'd need to change my clothes because my clothes weren't 'formal' enough for the occasion.

I didn't ever think that you'd need to be formal for a party considering the ones I've read about in books and seen in movies. If anything it's completely the opposite.

I found out what she meant a few minutes later when she held what would just about pass as a dress in front of me and told me that I'd be wearing it to the part so I'd have to go try it on to see if it fits before she did my hair and make up.

I agreed reluctantly but unfortunately because Vanessa was so stick thin, the dress was a little tight but Vanessa told me that it was a perfect fit and it was what was 'in fashion' right now. I was about to disagree with her but the look she gave me already told me I'd loose the argument.

The dress was black and strapless which reached mid thighs. Thankfully I didn't get hair on my legs so I didn't need to worry about shaving it any time soon.

For my hair Vanessa said that she didn't want to curl it this time so she straightened it and made a little puff at the top. Nothing too complicated.

For my makeup however Vanessa completely transformed me and I could barely recognise myself. On my eyes she did a smoky eye effect with black eye shadow to go with my dress. And she put some eyeliner on my eyes too just for effect as she said. On my lips she put a really red shade of lipstick to make my lips stand out.

By the time I looked in the mirror I couldn't recognise myself. I wasn't the geeky girl who sat at the back of the classroom.

I was actually pretty. I actually Had curves in all the right places. I laughed aloud at the thought and how cliche it was- the good girl finally decides to go to the party and she gets completely transformed.

So now here I am at a typical high school party. There is no irony at this party. There's teenagers dancing with each other well I say dancing but I really mean teenagers groping each other in the middle of a dance floor with music blaring through speakers that no one can see.

I lost Vanessa a while back when I lost her in the crowd. Other people that weren't dancing were either making out with each other in process of about to rip each other's clothes off or were either too drunk to even notice what was going on.

I however decided that I may be at a party but I will not under any circumstances get drunk whatsoever.

I didn't want to get drunk but here I was sat at the bar not doing anything in particular just sipping on my glass of water.

"Well hello cutie, can I- Sarah right?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around to see Blake stood their shocked with his eyes wide as saucers.

I nodded my head confused.

"What are you doing here? I didn't think parties would be your scene," He laughed taking a seat next to me.

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