Chapter 32: First Date

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Chapter 32: First Date

I had a date tonight. With Ashton. In exactly an hour. I was literally panicking. My room was in a state.

I mean what was I supposed to wear? A dress? Top and pants? What do I do with my hair? Tie it up leave it out? It all depended on where we were going.

To top it all off Ashton was no where to be seen.

I rang Ashton like ten times and it went straight through to voicemail so I texted him like twenty times but still haven't got a reply.

Sighing I walked into Vanessa's room jumping on the bed where she was listening to some music.

"Hey I need your help," I smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes smirking back.

"What's up?" She asked holding her smirk.

"Well I have a date tonight and I have no idea what I'm wearing. Like are we going to a restaurant or somewhere else?" I sighed.

Vanessa started laughing.

"With Ashton?" She asked

I nodded my head.

She held up her smirk again.

"Well I might just know where your going,"


"Well I've been under strict instructions to not tell you and then if you need help to get ready. Other then that, my lips are sealed." She smirked.

"Well will you help me get ready?" I asked.

She nodded her head before telling me to take a seat on the stool next to her dresser. She said that Ashton was going to take me somewhere very pretty.

Like that had helped.

Vanessa told me that Ashton said to dress warm. So she wanted to dress me 'comfortable but cute,'

I was just thinking 'warm' as in hoodie warm.

She ended up lending me her clothes again.

I wore and black t-shirt with silver beads across it along with a black leather jacket. She gave me some really skinny jeans too with some boots. I wasn't too sure about the outfit because I didn't think it was warm enough but apparently I looked cute.

As for my hair Vanessa put it in a side braid with a fishtail plait with it. As for my make up Vanessa just put a bit of lip gloss and some mascara.

When she finally got me ready, she gave me a letter smiling at me before leaving the room.

I opened it seeing Ashton's writing.


Knowing you, you probably tried to ring me like ten times already because you were worrying about what to wear or something. So I've trusted Vanessa to help you and I bet you look amazing. So now your ready your probably wondering where I am. Don't worry I'm not going to make you do one of them try to find me dates by leaving clues or anything- but now I think I should have but don't worry I won't. I'll be back when it's time for our date.

See you soon,

Ashton x


I was waiting downstairs in the front room for Ashton whilst watching t.v. Ashton was late. He told me he'd be here for seven and it was currently half seven.

As soon as I had thought that the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Ashton holding a bouquet of roses. He was wearing a pair of jeans with a red jumper and a black hoodie.

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