Chapter 33: You're delusional

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Chapter 33: You're delusional

The next morning I woke up as happy as happy can be. The sun was shining almost as if it was an approval from the sun of the decision I made yesterday.

Officially being Ashton's girlfriend.

Smiling I got out of bed before picking my clothes out and going to the shower.

My outfit consisted of a black tank top with some black shorts. Seeing as summer was starting to hit in, I thought why not wear shorts.

For my hair I decided to leave it all out just brushing it seeing as it was already straight.

My hair was getting really long now. I really should get it cut soon.

I made a mental note to book an appointment with my hairdresser next week.

I quickly brushed my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast seeing that everyone was already there.

Even Kyle.

I walk in the kitchen before stealing a few fresh pancakes that Emma made and on to my plate along with some scrambled eggs.

"So how was your date last night?" Emma asks as I take a seat next to Ashton.

"It was good," Ashton smiles with his face forming a little blush.

"We want more detail than that! What happened? Where did you go?" Vanessa intervenes bombarding us with questions.

Ashton sighs slowly before holding my hand under the table squeezing it a little.

"Well me and Sarah- we're- w-w-ell..." Ashton trails off awkwardly with his face flushing.

"Me and Ashton are together. Officially," I state proudly smiling.

Ashton smiles back at me before leaning in and giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Awwwwwww," Emma gushes leaning closer to Kyle.

Kyle just laughs as he wraps his arm around Emma.

Vanessa laughs a little before going back to her breakfast.

After a while of eating in silence Vanessa breaks in.

"Sarah I was wondering if you would like to go town. I mean we have a lot to catch up on." She smirks her head signalling towards Ashton.

"Actually I was hoping to take Sarah to see Blake and Ian. It's weird they keep asking for her." Ashton laughs nervously.

"You can have her after today Ashton. She's your girlfriend after all but I just want to spend the day with Sarah. I've got to talk to her about stuff and plus we need to go shopping!" Vanessa smiles eagerly.

"Fine but just make sure you don't scare her off with your prying," Ashton warns playfully.

"She's still here," I laugh.

Ashton just glares jokingly before finishing off his breakfast.

Guess I was going to spend the day with Vanessa today.


"So in all honesty how was the date with Ashton?" Vanessa asks once we are in the car.

I smile but then remember what he told me about his dad.

"It was honestly magical. It felt like it was all a dream." I laugh realising I sounded like a 13 year old with her first crush.

"Where did he take you?" Vanessa asks smiling.

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