Chapter 14: Did you two have fun yesterday?

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Chapter  14: Did you two have fun yesterday?

"Hmm.." I heard myself saying as I pulled the blankets closer to me.

I was so comfortable right now. My bed was warm, a soft pillow and an arm draped around my waist.

Smiling half asleep I snuggled closer in the duvet.

Wait. What?!

An arm draped around my waist?!

I opened my eyes to see Ashton next to me with the duvet on him also and his arm around my waist.

Rather than being a reasonable person and like all typical girls, scream I pushed him off the bed.

Almost immediately he got up glaring at me

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry I didn't think," I grinned sheepishly.

"You didn't think?" He asked in disbelief.

I shrugged my shoulders as I finally noticed my clothes. I wasn't even in the clothes I wore from yesterday.

I was in an oversized t shirt and some pyjama shorts.

Oh my god. I probably embarrassed myself yesterday. I probably didn't even leave the room to get changed whilst he was there!

Oh my god. Oh my god. This is bad.

I'll apologise to him later.

"So are you going to keep staring at me? Cause it's a little freaky," he smirked.

My eyes widened as I realised I was staring at him that whole time.

I mumbled an apology as Ashton sat down on the bed.

I heard him inhale a deep breath as he said.

"What's wrong?"

I sighed.

"I just want to apologise,"

He chuckled before saying


"I probably behaved like an absolute lunatic yesterday and for that I apologise,"

I smiled sheepishly before finally noticing what he was wearing too.

Joggers- shirtless

I mentally sighed as I noticed his six pack. So toned

"So that's why I don't really think it's necessary for you to apologise. Understand" Ashton snapped me out of my daze and brought me to looking at his face.


He just laughed as he got up off the bed and started stretching.

His muscles. And his six-pack.

"Careful there princess, anyone would think your checking me out," Ashton laughed when he noticed me staring.

I shook my head no as I was still smiling.

I was about to reply to him when a thought occurred.

"Ashton? How come your in my room? How did I get changed from my clothes yesterday? And you know how come your not wearing- well what you wore yesterday?" I asked cautiously.

He laughed aloud at my discomfort saying

"I'm in your room cause you asked me to stay and I was a bit uncomfortable in my clothes that I was wearing so then I got changed into this," he gestured to himself.

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