Chapter 21: Just empty thoughts.

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Chapter 21: Just empty thoughts.

I didn't get much sleep last night.

After a while of more thinking and scolding myself, I finally got to sleep.

In the end my little thinking moment didn't really pay off because I didn't really come to any conclusion about anything really.

Just empty thoughts.

I wouldn't have bothered about staying up for half the night if Vanessa didn't come barging in my room all happy and jolly.

If there's one thing I've learnt about this girl, it's that she can be the moodiest person one minute and then the next she's so jolly that she could make Santa Claus jealous.

"Wake up Sarah! Mum said she wants to take us shopping!" Vanessa beamed literally pulling me out of bed.

I muttered something about sleeping before wrapping myself closer into my duvet.

"Come on Sarah! It's a once in a moment opportunity! Mum never takes me shopping!" Vanessa groaned before trying to drag me out of bed again.

I just turned in my bed without my duvet because Vanessa thought she'd be smart and take it.

"Oh Ashton! Great your here! Can you help me get Sarah up? Mum is taking us shopping!" Vanessa spoke cheerfully.

Wait. Did she say Ashton was here?


My eyes shot open and so did I searching the room to see his hazel eyes.

They weren't there.

I looked towards Vanessa confused as she burst into laughter literally clutching the floor gasping for breath.


She laughed trying to say whatever she wanted but couldn't because she was laughing too hard.

I glared hard at her for a few seconds trying to get her to stop laughing.

I sighed giving up when she didn't so I just grabbed my duvet from the floor and went back to my bed trying to sleep again.

"Okay sorry," I heard Vanessa but you could tell she was stifling a laugh.

If I ignore her she'll probably think I'm asleep.

"Please princess, wake up," She laughed and I could here the smirk in her voice as she said it.

Just ignore her and she'll go.

"Okay fine I'm sorry. Sarah please wake up- oh hey Ashton," Vanessa said trying to get my attention.

Nope not falling for that again.

I thought to myself as I snuggled closer to my pillow.

"Fall for what?"

My eyes widened as I quickly shot up from my bed meeting his eyes.

My eyes met his hazel ones and I felt my cheeks heat up as my mind wandered back to the kiss yesterday.

Fireworks. I felt fireworks.

My eyes wandered down from his eyes to his lips. They were so pink and plump.

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