Chapter 18: Truth or Dare?

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Chapter 18: Truth or Dare?

This movie was really boring, me Vanessa rolled our eyes every time something happened on the screen.

It really was actually boring.

Vanessa took out her phone and started texting someone. Blake and Lisa also got bored of it so they started making out.

I found it slightly awkward but the others didn't seem too fussed. So I just tried not to make eye contact with them.

The only person that was actually interested was Ian whose eyes were fixed to the screen. He was ignoring everyone else around him.

Ashton took out his phone and started texting someone too. His feet was planted on the coffee table.

I was starting to wonder who he was texting when I received a message from him.

From: Ashton:
This movie is so boring.

He then put his phone away and smiled without giving me eye contact, I smiled back and texted him once again.

To: Ashton:
Lol ikr. Ian looks well interested though. xD

We continued to text each other and texted about random stuff. We didn't even realise when everyone turned their attention towards us.

Lisa was on Blake's lap and Blake had his arms wrapped around Lisa.

So our phones vibrate and that's a lot of noise but Lisa and Blake didn't make any noise!

"Don't tell me your both texting each other? Again?" Ian sighed.

"Ashton you're sitting right next to her!" Blake pointed out.

"You were right Blake. He really is whipped."  Lisa laughed using that word once again. Vanessa also started laughing.

"What does that mean? " I asked probably at the wrong time.

Ian started sniggering alongside Blake.

"It means th-" Vanessa started speaking.

"Do you want to go home? Well keep quiet then." Ashton growled at Vanessa who shook her head.

Ian, Blake and Lisa looked amused. However I sat there with a confused look on my face.

"What's the big deal? It's not our fault the movies boring!" Ashton hissed taking his feet down.

"True it is pretty boring!" Vanessa added probably trying to get on Ashton good side.

What did she even say wrong?

"Speak for yourself! Now I don't even know what's happening!" Ian groaned taking the remote and rewinding it.

Lisa whispered something to Blake. He then had a mischievous look in his eyes. When he turned to us.

"Lisa suggested we play truth or dare." He spoke. Myself and Ashton looked at each other then said that we didn't want to play.

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