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Kol and I walked back into the upstairs study when church bells started going off. "What's with the church bells? It sounds like the preamble to me own bloody funeral," I rolled my eyes giving Marcel a look. 

"You're not dying Kol," I linked my arm with his as we walked further into the study. 

"It's Carillon Eve. The locals shroud the eyes of angels so the dead can walk among us for a night without judgment. The bells wake the dead and guide them to eternal rest," He smirked at Kol "So, whether you live or die today, you can join the festivities," I glared at Marcel while my brother only laughed. 

"Oh, Marcel. You're gonna make certain that I live. I'm the only one that knows how to find Rebekah!" I elbowed Kol.  

"You're not helping your case Kol," I whispered to him. 

"That's because you underestimate how hungry I am, and how much I'd like to appease my hungry friends right outside that door," Marcel commented not hearing what I had said. I unlinked my arm from Kol and walked over to a bench. Kol did the same and sat across from Marcel. 

"And just what would Davina say about that? Because-- I'm not one to kiss and tell, obviously-- but, uh, I think she likes me!" I gritted my teeth. Kol was a cocky bastard and had a knack for pissing people off. Gave him a pointed glare.  

"Watch your mouth," Marcel stood and so did I. "Before I drain every vein of yours myself," I stood up quickly and placed myself in front of Kol. 

"Take a walk Marcel," I warned raising my eyebrows. He stood there looking around me to glare at Kol for a moment before storming out of the room. I turned to Kol and raised an accusatory eyebrow. "Your mouth is going to get you into a lot of trouble one day," I shook my head and took a deep breath.  

"And you'll be there to bail me out won't you little sis?" He asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and collapsed on the bench next to him sighing.  

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I groaned while Kol laughed. I lifted my feet onto the bench and wrapped my arms around one of his resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. 

"Hey sis?" I looked up at him opening my eyes. "What did you mean earlier?" He asked causing me to frown. "Nothing will compare to the amount of pain I've felt in the last month," Kol quoted my words from earlier and I pursed my lips. "Come on Ana, you can tell me," Kol moved his arm from my grip and wrapped it around my shoulders. I sighed and played with the hem of his shirt.  

"Damon died," I whispered. Kol tensed up and I knew I had made him uncomfortable. "I know you came through Bonnie that night Kol, I remember," I whispered. Kol relaxed again and gripped my hands in his.  

"I'm sorry Ana," He sighed. I shook my head trying to shake away the thoughts as well. It didn't work and one tear escaped from my eye.  

"I'm going to find a way to bring him back so it's not a big deal," I shrugged. Kol was silent for a moment and I didn't mind it. Suddenly the doors to the study burst open and in came one of Marcel's vampires. 

"You come anywhere near us, and I will give you a headache that will last a century," I growled as I stood in front of my brother protectively. 

"It'll be worth it!" She bared her teeth and attempted to charge towards us. I thrust out my hand and stopped her dead in her tracks. She clutched her head as I popped blood vessels in her brain.  

"Anyone care to explain what's going on?" Marcel walked in and broke my concentration. Gina fell to the ground groaning. "I would expect this from him Red but not you," I gave me a disappointed look and I rolled my eyes. 

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now