Dying Again

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I wake to a sharp pain in my chest. But not the kind that's physical. No, this is the throbbing pain that you get just after someone hurts you. The last time I felt this kind of pain was when my brother Finn was staked. I immediately get out of bed and shift, not bothering to put on clothes. I run through the streets not caring who sees me. I need to find Nicklaus and figure out what is causing all of his pain. I pick up his trail and follow it to a small peace full looking house that stinks of Gilbert. I shift back into my normal form and quickly run up to Elena's room and grab one of her robs, which I wrap around myself. I run back down the stairs and into the kitchen. It's filled with the pungent smell of burning flesh. I gag and cover my mouth turning away from the singed body lying in the corner.

I hear a crash in the other room and I follow the sound. I have been trying but the pain in my chest is now becoming unbearable. I find Nic sitting in the middle of what looks like it could have been a living room. He looks up at me and I see the pure hatred in his eyes. They soften when he sees it's me

"Nic, what's going on" I ask him. I try to walk up to him but an invisible wall stops me. After some forcing I use my magic to get through it. I stumble over to him and see his tear stained cheeks. He never cries; ever. I rush to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Nicky, what's happened?" I asked I try to ignore the constant throbbing in my heart which has gotten stronger now that I am touching Nic.

"They've killed him love," he says quietly, his voice shaking. "I tried to stop them but, they killed him," I can see the tears rimming his eyes and I can tell that he is trying to push them back.

"Who, Nic, who's been killed," I prompt him as if I am talking to a small child. The pain in my chest grows and it has a viciousness to it that can only mean that Rebekah is now hurting.

"I'm so sorry Thal, I tried to saves you the pain but I was too late," he says and I double over falling off of him.

"Nicky, tell me who has been killed,"I say slowly through gritted teeth.

"Kol's been staked," He says and I cry out, I only havewSS@ a few minutes before the burning starts then. "Go to the Salvatore house and get them to lock you in the cell in the basement," he says clearing the hair out of my face. I convulse on the ground and he flinches. "So you won't hurt yourself," I nod and try to sit up but then pain rack through my body "I wish I could help you bet there is a spell between me and the door," he says. I just nod and stand again. I try to shift but I can't. When my body is in too much pain I can't shift into my wolf form. I stand and stagger my way to the door, this time the spell does not hinder me. Once I get outside the full moon empowers me and gives me enough strength to shift. I storm through the trees in the direction of the boarding house. I have two, maybe three minutes before the burning starts. I crash through the front door and see a group of startled eyes turn to me. They look scared, but I don't have time to wonder about it now. Without the sight of the full moon I shift back to my 'human' form and begins to collapse. Strong arms wrap themselves aroun me and pull me up and closer to them. I don't bother to look at who it is. The pain in my chest has begun to feel like a small flame.

"Basement," I whisper and let out a small cry. When there is no attempt to make a move I try and whisper again. "Lock me in the basement," I breath and gasp as the flame in my chest moves to cover my whole torso. I scream out and flail. I feel a rush of wind and then someone laying me on a cold hard surface. "No get out and lock t he door," I scream. I hear a door slam and a bolt slide into place. Then it feels like someone splashed vervain laced water onto my face. I shriek in agony and roll over into the fetus position. I deeply as the pain stops, waiting for the real thing to begin.

Then it does. It feels like my entire body is engulfed in flames. Like I am on fire, but on the inside. The last time this happened, when Finn died, Nic told me that I looked like one of those possessed people in the cinema. Now that I think about it, I very much feel like one of those girls. My body whips from the fetal position and I am flat on my back. The sudden movement causes more pain and I scream louder arching my back. I hear the bolt of the door slide away and the door screech open. I am in too much pain to see who it is that wraps their arms around me. Though I know that they are trying to help, their touch only increases my pain. I scream louder and a familiar voice shushes me and caresses my cheek with their thumb. But even that slight touch feel like someone has dragged a light across my cheek. I breath deeply and rapidly trying to calm myself down.

Say you love me (A vampire diaries fan fiction) ***Watty 2013***Where stories live. Discover now